Monday, May 16, 2011
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"The problem with family is that one day the children leave childhood, but parents never stop parenting." Osho
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
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As many of you know, the REAL DEMOCRACY AND platform calls on peaceful demonstrations in which calls are not exhibited political symbols exclusive day 15 at 18.00hs nationwide under the slogan:
Real Democracy NOW! We are not good in the hands of politicians and bankers
Read the Manifesto
cities where there are called events (all at 18:00) are as follows:The authors of "React" go through the carnage of Radio3 to explain the lies of those who told us of the crisis, to remove some arguments and propose solutions. Lourdes Lucia, lawyer and editor and Carlos Martinez (CSIC, former Secretary of State) are in the program along with other contributors to the book as Juan Torres and Rosa María Artal, coordinator of the project. In addition, Carlos Paredes, a representative of the platform "real Democracy Now" tell us their expectations for demonstrations on Sunday 15 for Spain.
- A Coruña: Obelisk
- Albacete:
Altozano Square - Alicante, Avenida de la Estación (Provincial Building)
- Almeria
Purchena door
- Badajoz: Badajoz Government Delegation
- Barcelona: Plaça de Catalunya
- Bilbao: Bilbao City Hall
- Burgos, Plaza del Cid
- Cáceres: starting point for confirming
- Cadiz: starting point for confirming
- Ciudad Real: Round Plum (Bus Station)
- Córdoba: Plaza de la Corredera
- Cuenca: starting point for confirming
- Donostia: Boulevard
- Granada: Plaza de la Caleta
- Huelva: Columbian Square Old
- Jaén: starting point for confirming
- Lanzarote:
front of the Cabildo - La Palma: Avenida Maritima S / C de la Palma against government delegation
- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Plaza de las Ranas
- Leon: Guzmán el Bueno
- Madrid: Plaza
Cibeles - Málaga: Ayuntamiento de Málaga
- Menorca: Plaça de la Catedral
- Mérida:
Plaza of Spain - Murcia: Departure from the Park
Floridablanca - Ourense:
Prefectures - Oviedo : North Station (Renfe)
- Palma de Mallorca, Plaça d'Espanya
- Pamplona, \u200b\u200bPlaza del Ayuntamiento
- Plasencia:
Plaza Mayor - Salamanca: starting point for confirming
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Plaza Weyler
- Santander: starting point for confirming
- Santiago de Compostela: Alameda (porta Faxeira)
- Sevilla: Plaza of Spain
- Tarragona: starting point for confirming
- Toledo: starting point for confirming
- Valencia, San Agustin Plaza
- Valladolid: Plaza de Colón
- Vigo: Praza do rei
- Vitoria - Gasteiz: Andra Maria Zuriaren Enparantza / Plaza de la Virgen Blanca
- Zamora: starting point for confirming
- Zaragoza: Paradise Plaza
- Lisbon: Avenida da Liberdade
- Porto, Praça da Batalha
- Coimbra: Praça da República
- Faro: Praça do Município
- Funchal: Quinta Vigia
- Ponta Delgada: Portas da Cidade
- Braga: Avenida Central
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
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. If your give your data to any company through the network, can someone logically the robe (as happens if you use your card, your electronic ID ...) That's what happened to Sony (and not just wanted to acknowledge the incident, which was not precisely to his credit) and now it seems that Microsoft admits that she could have happened the same , although are working to solve the problem.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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We simply unbelievable to consider:
The ultimate control: its DNA into the DNI
jurists reject the collection of genetic data with the ID card except suspects - What if there are volunteers?
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iPhone and iPad secretly recorded where the owners are
denounce Apple for tracking movements its iPhone and iPad
The complainants contend that Apple has committed fraud and infringement of the privacy of its customers (Note: They have only been two ...)
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
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Sunday, April 3, 2011
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I recommend reading the article about Iceland that appears in the pages of Business in the Country. The title says it all: Iceland demands punishment
If Icelanders held accountable, why not here demand the same? What is happening to us?
Related info (recommended x Jesus Q: THANK YOU)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
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I add a link that I have chosen to comment on the content included in an alternative publication that I recommend : human Journalism
Related info: Sampedro is outraged and responds
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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Well, this electro-magnetic solar energy acting on the Earth enters the man for his root chakra or first chakra, is called kundalini, is a "package" of energy designed to foster the evolution of man. The path from the base of the spine to the crown is called the path of enlightenment because of the lower chakras starting rises to higher pituitary and pineal glands open the doors of our conscious, unconscious and subconscious, as I mentioned earlier and therefore the development of our spiritual process and the connection between Spirit-Soul-Source of all Light.
As is known solar system rotates in the orbit of the Central Sun of Orion. Their cycle is approximately 25,920 years of our calendar. In this journey, our solar system passes through a radiation field of photons emitted by Orion with a duration of 2160 years. This photon energy alter our entire solar system and thus our earth and therefore man. Therefore the electro-magnetic fields be altered and its impact will affect Earth and its behavior and affect humans. This is provided at the level that is currently our solar system with respect to the "line" input of that band of photons, which is announced for 2012. Si. New powers are emerging that activate our chakras and allowing more openly enter astral energies and mobilize all our glandular system and produce a wake, to be quantum in the spiritual. This is already happening and is easy to see how in the world order is a spiritual movement has ever known. The Internet helps us check it out. All messages are received everywhere we talk about changes, the need to open our awareness to this reality with attitudes in which the vibrational levels of elevation (which is what will occur within the meaning of mentioned before) are a consequence of internalization, seeking and finding our higher self. silence, meditation, internalization, living to the inside, respect for everyone in what is, in the absence of any trial in the expression of states of peace, calm, harmony, in short, love, have a strong presence in each person as there will be destabilizing, sunken living in constant stress over, disoriented, lost and unaware of their own situation. Others will also be well focused, with knowledge, love and harmony that are balm for those staff and others. -called messengers of light are those whose love is transformed into peace, calm and harmony. People who were able to differentiate and to overcome "the kingdom of God and Caesar's" and know how to harmonize them and their lives have a transcendental meaning. Of these speakers is often the messages are those messages while activating the conscience to join these forces of peace and love everyone. The knowledge is there, it just takes the willingness to change and this is necessary because as he said two thousand years ago are arriving in time to be separation between love and indifference, between harmony and disharmony, and when a person disharmony alter all their spiritual and physical consequences are predictable. Not these times to go to sleep, because as already stated we must be vigilant. Rangers ourselves. We universe and is not a matter of understanding, as understood or not understood, misunderstood or not understood, what it is. Through it all when it happens in the universe happens to everyone in our measure and our consciousness. Likewise, everything that happens is transcending the universe, synchronization is complete. Since all light so it is. interpret the messages that arrive and we understand the transcendent character that everything has. need spiritual cultivation, hand onto the inner work, through prayer, meditation, contemplation harmonization with nature, so that the apparent chaotic environment that we live, find a refuge in our internal, which will result in a better world. We are living a wonderful time of human awakening. We have a unique opportunity of unique evolutionary leap. Despite the apparent victory of the dark forces we must be attentive to the number of beings who work tirelessly for a better world, from political, religious, from individual efforts or through spontaneous demonstrations, which we must to fill with pride as a race. The time is now, there is no time to lose, there is a wide range of positive attitudes to take. Start now to work with a will, taking into account the overall context of the facts.
Always seek the general knowledge and deep things, what said the great Teacher: Only the Truth Shall Set You Free.
Sixto Paz W.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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+ Info
What if I confess that I find it funny is I have read today about Google ...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Monday, February 7, 2011
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Excellent reports of the last theme night (La 2):
Why buy (do not miss the academic study of consumer surveillance cameras ...)
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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Friday, January 28, 2011
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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Writing a text on the subject, I remember el caso del hacker Chris Paget que con unos 250 dólares desarrollo en 2009 un sistema para clonar RFID´s desde su coche:
Tengo que investigar si sigue investigando sobre lo facil que es copiar RFID's :-)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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No os perdáis el documental Comprar, tirar, comprar (La 2) , A month before had already issued TV3.
+ Info
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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is important that in trying to find out what the expressions of a person I mean, take both the isolated movement of any components of the face, as the complete set.
usually look down means sadness or depression, or low self-esteem, but depends on the time display may be simply because someone is looking for something on the floor. Looking upward with your chin up means superiority. When frown means that it is likely that the emotions of anger, confusion or frustration are present.
If you want to show appreciation for the people or if we feel it is common simply tilt the head to the right, in women the slope is more visible than in men.
A fake smile can be detected because the mouth looking to leave to one ear, when it is true the mouth opens and the tips are fairly straight to the ears, another tip is that when we smile, the eyes are too. On the other hand, when you're talking to someone or that someone is listening to a conversation and pressed his lips, you probably want to say something but not going to do. Crease
When the nose is likely that we disagree with something or simply have perceived an odor, if we play a lot is the sign of anxiety. In order to face shows a lot of what we feel, if we pay attention to faces without being exaggerated greatly improve our communication. Tweet