"With regard to the fires of Homa I had the opportunity to appreciate the healing of a dog in a town near Bogota Nuevo Colón, who had a very serious infection in the ear and I had a foul odor. Despite the dog was a veterinarian, he was unable to heal or using antibiotics and we went to teach you how to make fires. There in the land preparation made by adding to the ash of Agni-hotra clarified butter or ghee and blood grade, then we apply in the ear of the animal. The next day the animal had the ear dry, had no drainage, was not nothing. That was a very short and serious case that the ash has great healing power. Also in Costa Rica, a woman who makes the fires, the wife of a television producer, Ms. Zully Hoffman, she was able to practice the fires and use the ashes. We report the case of a cancer that was cured and others who gave ash and cured of a brain tumor. People also reports that the fires were and gave the Agnihotra ash to a person suffering from AIDS, was also urinated therapy and was cured. People who have experienced occasional irritation for some reason or another ointment is applied Agnihotra ash with ghee and even quite severe injuries, severe enough that these people have been cured. Also reported cases of people with gastric ulcers, duodenal and using Agnihotra ash had significant improvement. The lady who makes the fires constantly gave these people the Agnihotra ash and they were reporting cases. I will give another proof of a job that was done with the Agni-hotra in a town near Bogota in a town called Columbus, near the capital city of Tunja. A man owns land in that area had serious problems because the grass was a victim as it were the plague. It was a black mosquito that kills the grass and as this gentleman had a large number of cattle, then he was going into bankruptcy. Before borrowing had to sell much of their dairy cattle. A friend told us that there needed to be done the Agnihotra fire. Then we went to the farm and teach the lord and his family to make fires. We stayed there two days by making fires in the fields where the grass was nearly burned by this pest. After he learned the fires were doing for three months straight, every day and would not be a surprise when Grass returned to relive again and so the lord of the estate began to recover economically and thus avoid bankruptcy and having to sell their property at a minimum price, because almost going to give away. It was extraordinary what happened, almost a miracle what happened in this area 180 km from Bogota, known as Columbus. "
also in North America and is being practiced here is a link to a video that presents and information about shamanic ritual:
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