Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Is Largactil Made Of

keys: The book of knowledge

KEYS OF ENOCH - The Book of Knowledge:
The Keys of Enoch is not a channel of God is a revelation of God . It is truly one of the most profound books ever been studied. It is not my purpose to explain here The Keys of Enoch, for that goes beyond what might be taught. My purpose is rather to give a brief introduction to this profound teaching brought by JJ Hurtak. The title page of The Keys of Enoch, is the following inscription: "A teaching given in seven levels to be read and displayed in preparation for the Brotherhood of Light, to be released for the acceleration of people Light. " The Keys of Enoch is not a self-help book but a book of metaphysical science of the universe. It is a book that reads much better with the right brain than left brain in order to grasp the material more intuitively ease. I recommend reading the introduction and glossary before attempting to read the text. I also recommend putting it under your pillow or mattress while sleeping at night so they can dive into the profound teachings on a subconscious level. I declare an expert on the keys, but I read the book, which is no easy task, and constantly come back to it, feeling the desire to refer to it often.
The Keys of Enoch also serves as a wonderful reference book. It is especially good for those people who are attracted to the teachings of the Kabalah and Jewish mysticism, for it is written from the cosmic perspective. It is, however, universal in nature. The sixty-four keys were revealed to Enoch JJ Hurtak in-depth experience traveling outside the body or soul travel. Hurtak was sitting in his room in a state of prayer when the room was filled with Light and Ascended Master Enoch Ophanim appeared. Hurtak Enoch asked if he was ready to go to the premises of the Father, and he said it was. A large field of light surrounding his body, and immediately left on their bodies Atmic. was first taken by a region of stars called Merak and Musca and then to the halfway station Arcturus. It was after this that Hurtak had to change the body having Light for a dress, so high was the vibration. He was then guided to what was referred to as the seventh heaven. It was here that teachers saw the elohim. He was then taken through Oronis stellar field and through a field of Light called Mintaka, where he met with Archangel Metatron, the creator of the electronic exterior light in this physical universe. The light was of such high frequency that had been crushed Hurtak without the assistance of Metatron. Metatron Hurtak then led into the presence of Father Divine. This was done by traveling through the Omega Orion spiritual door, which served as a grand entrance into regions of pure energy. It was here that Hurtak said he saw the face of the Ancient of Days, Father Divine, face to face. He described his throne as a pyramid living Light. Father Divine had wavy white hair and his face was full of joy and love overwhelming. He referred to Father Divine as Lord, and His Hutak saw about twenty-four Elders of Light who were singing "Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Tsabayoth Adonay" (Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of the Heights). A's right hand, saw Jesus Christ. A Hurtak was told that their work was part of the work of Enoch. He was also told that it was time to outsource the hierarchy of the Father for His kingdom to come Earth as it is in Heaven.
Hurtak was then led to several other regions of the universe of God for instruction. While still on the throne, however, he saw a scroll that had rolled into a cylinder and was burning. From this roll a light is projected onto the third eye of Hurtak, containing sixty-four keys of Enoch, the basis for this book sublime. The purpose of the keys, in part, is to prepare Earth for the descent of the Melchizedek Brotherhood and the decline of one hundred and forty-four thousand ascended masters to help redeem the humble and the righteous on Earth. A Hurtak were shown how the seventy Sororities Light of internally serve as a field of intelligence for the correction of universes so that they can evolve in infinite wisdom and glory of the Eternal Mind of Yahweh (God). Each key is coded with five letters of fire for a new spectrum of light can be biochemically activated human sort the chemistry in the minds of so many dimensions involved in the reality of God. Upon receipt of this vision, Hurtak returned to the Earth plane to write the words and the information it received in The Book of Knowledge. The purpose of the sixty-four keys given by Enoch and Metatron to help coordinate the sixty four unique areas of scientific knowledge that are far advanced simultaneously. Hurtak said that the keys have been given to attend all the basic disciplines for avanti quantum leap in the new consciousness of Light. The key is to focus scientific research on the planet to the plane most of life.
Hurtak was also informed that to be able to work the keys, you have to be able to go to the fourth dimension. Here the intellect must bow to the spiritual mind. Enoch also said that the keys are not just for this planet but equally there have been in preparation for work on other planets. current keys were given by January 23, 1973, to prepare humanity for the activation of events that would take place in these thirty years until 2003. Hurtak were given to an out of body experience in higher spiritual planes that were not contaminated by the thought forms of human community falls. The keys were given in a special sequence that allows them to connect mathematically between each other to explain the interpretation of the universe and the spiritual understanding how it works through the keys. Enoch said that the first fifty-four keys are the foundation for the ten commandments. The ten remaining keys containing network system of life and provide for the resurrection and reorganization of the human group that will continue in the I Am Who I Am universal.
The purpose of this chapter is to give them a taste of this revelation of God to inspire them to buy or borrow the book and take what you work the way they are guided. It is very difficult to read, but do not let that stop them. As I said, by reading the introduction, the glossary and the sixty-four keys makes buying the book worthwhile, in my opinion. If you dare to read the book, pay attention and prior to reading it with your right brain, the intuitive, and will not be flooded.
I made a very interesting meditation with the keys of Enoch which I recommend. After putting in deep meditation, make a call to Helios, the Solar Logos, to anchor the sixty-four keys of Enoch in their consciences in all five sacred languages. All you have to do is ask and it shall be done at the subtle level of domestic policy. Then you read the key information in their subconscious minds will emerge.
Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonay Kodoish Tsabayoth
Written by Dr. Joshua D. Stone, "Hidden Mysteries." Cap.52, p.. 313.
Translation: Rosario Vega: Sharon
Responsible Cabinet Search: Mayela RUIZ MURILLO

Monday, September 28, 2009

Leigh-d From Xtreme Naturals

What does the swastika?

swastika The swastika or (in Sanskrit suastika ) is a cross whose arms are bent at right angles either clockwise or 卐, left 卍. The term comes from the Sanskrit swastika, meaning "good luck" (literally "holy form").
Geometrically, its 20 sides make it an irregular irregular icosagon. is a monogram created by the combination of the letters her Asti (in Sanskrit their 'very', Astika 'auspicious') ashoka character (prior to the Devanagari letters, which are the for several centuries used in writing Sanskrit). According to some authors this shows that the symbol was not created in this era, but approximately in the V century BC. Although Vaishnavas (Vishnuites) say that the swastika is "eternally drawn in one of the four hands of God." Another likely meaning is that each "head" or "arm" may represent one of the four elements and joining them in full. This symbol has been appearing repeatedly in the iconography, art and design produced throughout the history of mankind has shown very different concepts. Among these are the lucky, the Brahman, the Hindu concept of samsara (Reincarnation) or Surya (Sun god), to cite only the most representative. In principle, the swastika was used as a symbol among the Hindus. It is first mentioned in the Vedas (Hindu scriptures), but its use is transferred to other religions of India, like Buddhism and Jainism. A modern Western belief, probably apocryphal, holds that only the swastika with arms bent to the right is a mark of good luck, while the swastika arms bent to the left is an ominous portent. Even some Westerners have named arbitrarily sauwastika, which from the point of view of Sanskrit etymology is an eyesore. No evidence of this distinction in the history of Hinduism from which comes the symbol, however the current version is the right-handed swastika, Hindus in India and Nepal are using the symbol on the two variants. Buddhists usually use the left-handed form. In the early twentieth century Nazism adopted the swastika as the emblem and "following the Second World War in the West is mostly identified only as a symbol of the Third Reich, virtually unknown pre-Nazi use.

Sailboat Part Diagram

The challenge of this century. For those of the Bahai faith

(Universal House of Justice of the Bahá'í International Community )
The tasks involved in developing a global partnership capabilities require a very broad category above what has been achieved by the human species. Reaching these levels will require that individuals and social organizations enjoy a vastly greater access to knowledge. In this process of universal education training must be an essential factor, but the effort will bear fruit only in so far as human affairs are reorganized allowing individuals and groups from all sectors of society meet conditions to acquire knowledge and apply them to forge their own destinies. Over verifiable history, human consciousness has depended on two fundamental systems of knowledge, through which has been progressively expressing their potential: science and religion. The experience of the species has used both instruments to reorganize, to interpret their environment, explore their latent powers and discipline their moral and intellectual life. Both have acted as the real progenitors of civilization. Moreover, with the advantage that gives the historical perspective, it becomes evident that the effectiveness of this structure dual has been greatest in those periods in which religion and science, each within its sphere, could work in concert. Given the almost universal respect he enjoys science today, it is not necessary to dwell on the merits that credited. In the context of an economic and social development, the question is no longer that, but how to organize the scientific and technological activity. If the task in question is regarded mainly as the preserve of established elites living in a small number of nations, it is obvious that such an approach the gap has developed between rich and poor of the earth will only get bigger, with dire consequences already mentioned that it shall prepare for the world economy. Certainly if the majority of humanity continues to be viewed as mere consumers of science and technology created elsewhere, it is clear then that can not be rightly called "development" programs designed to meet their needs. Therefore, the expansion of scientific and technical activity is a crucial challenge and huge. Instruments of social and economic change so powerful must happen to be the patrimony of advantaged segments of society to organize so that people of all backgrounds to participate in this activity according to their abilities. Addition de crear programas que extiendan la educación requerida a todos sus potenciales beneficiarios, tal reorganización conllevará necesariamente el establecimiento por todo el mundo de centros viables de aprendizaje, instituciones que realcen la capacidad participativa de los pueblos del mundo en la generación y aplicación del conocimiento. La estrategia de desarrollo, al tiempo que reconoce las amplias diferencias de capacidades humanas, debe hacer suya la importante meta de posibilitar que todos los habitantes de la tierra tengan participación en los procesos de la ciencia y de la tecnología, que son su derecho inalienable de nacimiento. Con cada día que pasa los argumentos consabidos para mantener el status quo pierden poder persuasivo ante las revolutionary communication technologies, with all the information and training they get within reach of large sectors of the world, wherever they are and whatever their cultural background. The challenges that face humanity in its religious life, but of different sign, are also impressive. For the vast majority of the world population, the idea that human nature has a spiritual dimension - indeed that its fundamental identity is spiritual - is a truth which needs no demonstration. It is a perception of reality that is discovered in the earliest records of civilization, and has been cultivated for several millennia by every one of the great religious traditions of the past. Its enduring achievements in the field of law, the arts and the civilizing of human relationships give meaning and substance to history. One way or another impulse daily influence in the lives of most people, as unequivocally confirm the facts on a daily basis, and longings that wake are endless and powerful beyond all calculation. Consequently, it seems clear that the efforts of all kinds to promote human progress should seek to use capabilities that are so universal and so immensely creative. Why, then, the spiritual issues that have facing humanity have focused attention on the development discourse? Why so far most of the priorities, and even the basic assumptions of international development plans have been decided under materialistic outlook support only small minorities of the world population? How much credit be attached to the devotion they profess says the principle of universal participation, but rejects the value of defining cultural experience of the participants?. Perhaps allege that, as the spiritual and moral issues have historically been linked to rival theological doctrines, objectively not validate they exceed the framework that the international community decide their development plans. Grant any role will open doors to those dogmatic trends that have fueled the conflict have hindered social and human progress. No doubt such an argument contains some truth. Proponents of the various theological systems of the world bear a heavy responsibility not only for the disrepute into which dropped the faith of many advanced thinkers, but also by the inhibitions and distortions introduced into the discourse that has been making a permanent human on the spiritual message. However, conclude that the answer is to curb research of spiritual reality, regardless of the deepest roots of human motivation is nothing but deception revealed. The only result, to the extent that such censorship has achieved its purpose in recent history, has been transferred the destinies of a new orthodoxy to which truth is amoral and facts are independent of values. Many of the great achievements of the religion, so that our existence on this earth is concerned, have lined moral character. Through its teachings and example of life for them lit, many people of all ages and countries have developed the capacity to love. They have learned to discipline the animal side of their nature, to make great sacrifices for the common good, to practice forgiveness, generosity and trust, and use their wealth and other means for the sake of civilization. Institutional systems have been devised to transform these achievements into social living standards applied on a large scale. As much as dogmatic and sectarian strife additions have obscured and diverted its course, the spiritual impulses mobilized by such transcendent figures as Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus and Muhammad have continued to be the force that has exerted greater influence on the civilization of human character. Since, according to this, the challenge is to enhance human knowledge by making it much more accessible, it is necessary that the enabler strategy hinges on a continuous and intense dialogue between science and religion. It is - or by now should be - a truism that, in every sphere of activity and each of its levels, perceptions and skills that define the scientific achievements must resort to the moral and spiritual power of commitment to ensure most appropriate application. For example, people need to learn to separate fact from conjecture , and indeed to distinguish between subjective views and objective reality. The contribution to human progress and achieve the people and institutions prepared is determined, however, for his devotion to truth and his indifference to the dictates of their own interests and passions. Another capability that science must cultivate in all people is the key thinking processes, including historical processes, however, if this intellectual advance has to contribute their time to promote development, it is imperative that their perspective is tangled by prejudices of race, culture, gender or sectarian beliefs. Similarly, the training that should enable the people of the world participate in the production of wealth may not pursue their aspirations for progress and not the extent that such momentum lit display this spiritual conviction: that service to humanity is the purpose of both individual life and social organization. The fundamental principle announced by Bahá'u'lláh ... is that religious truth is not absolute but relative, that Divine Revelation is a continuous and progressive process, that all major world religions are of divine origin, its basic principles are in complete harmony, that their aims and purposes are one and the same, that their teachings are but facets of one truth ... Also requires its followers the primary duty of a free search for truth, condemns all manner of prejudice and superstition, declares that the purpose of religion is to promote friendship and concord, proclaims its essential harmony with science and recognizes that it is the predominant agent of pacification and the orderly progress of human society. "(1) The first and most prominent of these favors that the Almighty has given men the gift of understanding. It aims to give the gift has been nothing but train their creatures to know and recognize the one true God - exalted be His glory! -. This gift gives men the power to discern the truth in all things, it leads to what is fair and helps you discover the secrets of creation. Next in importance is the power of vision, the main instrument through which his understanding can function. The senses of hearing, heart, and the like must, likewise, be considered among the gifts he has been endowed with the human body ... These gifts are inherent to man. He who dominates all else that is incorruptible in nature and belongs only to God himself, is the gift of divine Revelation. Every gift bestowed on man by the Creator, whether material or spiritual, is subservient to it ... "(2)
1. Shoghi Effendi, Introduction to 'Abdu'l -Bahá, The Wisdom 'Abdu'l-Bahá. EBILA, Buenos Aires.
2. Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh. EBILA, Buenos Aires.
Responsible Cabinet Search: Mayela RUIZ MURILLO

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sailing Diagrams Teaching

Naive Heart

do not know to whom we have at our side, who really is our friend and who tells the truth even staring into his eyes. We do not know those around us and do not know because I do not want to know, we cats that frolic atop a skein naively thinking I'll never be the thread tail end. We live in a spiral of haste in which few pay enough attention to your surroundings, prefer to maintain the security that those people will always be there and make mistakes. The other day someone told me "trains that pass once in life." Then I whispered, in a humorous moment of excitement for myself, "You just so original encubrarte " but right after the person provided the less thoughtful comment: " Yes, look at me with that face, Trains that pass once in your life and you should not miss, then there are local trains, but these do not matter because they spend so many times, your trip is short and routine. " And that sentence, apparently accidental, made me conclude that life presents us with challenges and that many of They come disguised as a train. We all hope our own but we do not want to recognize it and, in more than one occasion, we do not realize that this train may be not on our side but right in front waiting to take it. Of course, it temporarily the ball of twine is not eternal.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where To Get Librium Without A Prescription

sale feline

You went with the heat of the August. And left me here, an orphan because to me you've always been a second mother. You left with a ticket, never to return in the month of institutional holiday. You raised my hand and said, with the power of words never spoken, "Farewell" and to undertake due to an unknown location. I remember how it all happened and how you called me to realize it. It was a warning signal but not well understood. It happens often receive a call, someone to greet us or tell us until then and we are not aware that they may be the last words that we spend. We do not know who is leaving a strange code that only knows who it is pronounced. Was always your darling. I know. Wanted to come far, far away and gone before you can check. You left me here, drawn in the middle of a life and being a girl but that was not reason for life out of me. You will always be there, have a special place in my memory and my heart. And I know you know and I try to help. That I realized the other day, when I began to adopt an attitude that I thought would bring more fruitful results. It was the day 13 and I wonder: Why this day and not another? The answer I have, I know. Neither more nor less because it is our day, that in which some time ago I threw a goodbye.

hurts poderte not tell what happens to me, not having a number phone that can dial to explain the why of things and it hurts me to think that this is a ruse to yours arrives at the conclusion that once you taught me: that no man deserves. Thank you for everything except for leaving my life. Thanks for saying goodbye and giving me a chance. You really gave me and so, although you left, never to return, I forgive you, me tender your hand and it was I who could not extendértela. Maybe that's why I do this and not let anyone offer me only one: because you do not think I took it at the time. Although I know that the real reason is different: I am yours and nobody else. And I know who pull the strings for me and so far remain in the dark, impassive as if I was the one who suffers and what goes wrong. Because I want and want what is best for me. I know you help me, I notice you can smell and sit here next to me. I look up and you were there in that chair that you liked so much why do not pray that these words receive the go because I know I'll always be with me and help me write. Always, always, always.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wedding Program Welcome Message

Agartha paraphrasing emeReme Rene GUENON Neo-Shamanism

Agartha: emeReme paraphrase Rene Guenon
Agartha, it is said, was not always underground and will not remain forever, there will come a time when, in the words given by M. Ossendowski, the 'Peoples of Agartha come out of their caves and appear on the surface of the earth. " Before his disappearance from the visible world, the center had another name, since Agartha, meaning "unreachable" and "inaccessible" (and "inviolable", it is the abode of Peace, Salem), would not have been the more convenient, M. Ossendowski states that went underground "for more than six thousand years" and it happens that this date corresponds with a very adequate approximation, at the beginning of Kali-Yuga, or "black period", the "iron age" of the former West, the last of the four periods in which the currency Manvantara, its recurrence must correspond to the same period.
We spoke earlier of the allusions made by all traditions to something that is lost or hidden, and that is represented in many symbols, that, when taken in its general sense, as regards the whole earthbound humanity, refers precisely to the terms of the Kali-Yuga.
The current period is a period of darkness and confusion, their conditions are such that, while they persist, the initiatory knowledge must necessarily be hidden, hence the status of "mysteries" of antiquity called "historical " (Not more than back to the beginning of this period) and the secret organizations of all peoples, organizations that give an effective initiation where still remains a truly traditional doctrine, but do not offer a shadow when the spirit the doctrine has continued to enliven the symbols are merely the external representation and that, because, for various reasons, every conscious loop with the spiritual center of the world has come to break, which is the particular sense loss of tradition, especially concerning this or that sub-center, no longer closely and effectively with the supreme center.
should therefore, as we said earlier, talk about something that is hidden rather than truly lost, as it is not hidden to all and some even have it fully, and, if so, others have always possible find, as they seek as desirable, ie, that his intention is directed in such a way that, for harmonic vibrations awakening as the 'law of actions and reactions agreeing', could effectively put them in spiritual communication with the supreme center .
This direction will have in addition to all traditional forms, its symbolic representation; want to talk about ritual orientation: this, in fact, is properly the direction toward a spiritual center, that whatever is a picture of the true "Center of the World."
But as you progress through the Kali-Yuga, the union with the center, increasingly closed and hidden, it becomes more difficult, while more rare are secondary schools that represent externally and yet, when done this time, the tradition will happen again in its entirety, since the beginning of each Manvantara, coinciding with the end of the preceding, necessarily, for mankind on earth, around the "status paramount. "
In Europe, all consciously link established with the center through regular organizations is broken now, and this is so for several centuries, well, this break was not done in one fell swoop, but in several successive stages .
The first of these steps back to the beginning of the fourteenth century, what we have said elsewhere on the Orders of Chivalry can understand that one of their main roles was to ensure communication between East and West , communication is possible to understand the full extent if you notice that the center of which we speak here has always been described, at least in regard to historical times, and next to the East.
However, after the destruction of the Knights Templar, Rosicrucianism, or what should be given this name by continuity, continued to ensure the same loop, but in a more disguised form. The Renaissance and the Reformation marked a critical new phase, and finally, by suggesting SAINT IVES, a complete break would have coincided with the treaties of Westphalia in 1648 ended the Thirty Years War.
However, it is noteworthy that several authors have argued precisely that, shortly after of the Thirty Years War, the true Rosicrucians have left Europe to retire to Asia, and remember, about this, that the Rosicrucian adepts were twelve, and members of the innermost circle of Agartha, and in accordance with the constitution common to many spiritual centers formed in the image of the supreme center.
From this last time, the cash deposit of initiatory knowledge is not saved by any organization Western SWEDENBORG also states that it is now among the scholars of Tibet and Tartary where to find the missing word , and on the other hand, Anna Caterina Emerich has the vision of a mysterious place called the "Mountain of the Prophets" and placing it in the same regions.
add that it was fragmentary information which could Mme. BLAVATSKY collect news on this issue, without understanding the other hand, truly the meaning, where it was born the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great White Lodge, which we could call and not an image, but simply a caricature or a parody imaginary Agartha . Peace Profound!.
Responsible Cabinet Search: Mayela

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ephedrine More Drug_side_effects

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brasilian Wax Explanation

Neo-Shamanism - For Solar Suryavan - Condor White Mountains in Chile.
Neo Shamanism is the new trend, because shamanism is and has been the philosophy, therapy, medicine, science, culture and religion, world's oldest Neo Shamanism of the Tribe Condors have a few hundred thousand years old. Transcends the ages and eras. The Neo shamanism that I represent comes from an old Indian named Condor Blanco, whom I met and aired their lineage, in the fields and mountains of southern Chile, where I was born and raised. Much of the theoretical and practical lessons were transmitted to me by my grandmother healer who belonged to the same lineage, as my parents. According Cóndor Blanco Neo Shamanism are four basic things to grow in life and nothing more or less: Prosperity, Happiness, Wisdom and Freedom. Prosperity We know that health requires, talent, hard work, continued dedication and leadership of your life. We know that happiness requires good relationships and communicating with your partner, family, friends and business associates and staff with whom you work or study. We know that Wisdom requires culture, travel, arts practice and study, learn, grow and change. We know that Freedom to overcome it serves, donating the best of us, leaving a great legacy. Well, when we have worked hard, studied, planned, organized and work hard and honestly and still things are not working the right way, we need greater support from an instructor or guide, a Solkin, a Mentor, or a wise Shaman. But when we have worked hard to learn that we have value and deserve to be happy and free. It is therefore possible to help us with a powerful Abundance ceremony like this 1. Choose one of the aspects of life and get the seeds for what you want to plant: a. If Prosperity (release of poverty, attract health, labor, or material resources): get seeds or plants, preferably of smell (rue, sage, rosemary, mint, etc.) b. If Happiness (friends, family, friends, partners, contacts, happy family, harmony, happiness and emotional) get seeds or plants, flowers, especially rose, jasmine, gardenia, tulip ... c. If Wisdom and Culture (study, travel, learn, develop arts, teaching, being a good student, good leader, developer, speaker, therapist, facilitator, trainer, etc) then get seeds or seedlings of fruit trees. d. Lighting. Liberty or Independence: Freedom is achieved ciando have wings to fly to the sun is done with being faithful to the great principle: Mystical & Service Detachment material or emotional detachment, ending addictions or choking situations, donating time and resources to achieve donations, to be an excellent Volunteer nonprofit organization or create a foundation, or leave a Great Learning and Heritage, learn to meditate and develop yourself spiritually with a Guru, to reach the stars, and end the Wheel of Karma and reincarnation. Then my friend, I suggest you reconsider this. Because it is not easy in a world of consumption and impersonal as this does not encourage or facilitate spiritual development. To succeed as a mystic must be something really rebellious and stubborn. And if you're at your destination and it is your decision, make a responsible commitment to achieve in this life and I congratulate you. Help you enough to get past the 3 types of seeds or plants. In addition, a plant native tree. A true mystic must be total. Happy, happy, educated and free! Without fear of successful participation in society and celebrity, or without fear of being alone on a mountain fasting. 2. Formula: The seed or plant chosen. I recommend you start with humility ... for the first options Happiness and Prosperity and progress in each Moon to the next stage .. Having 12 to 13 moons per year. You have many years ahead. The seeds should be left in a cotton pad with water for 2 days. While the water is completely dry. This is done in the first three days of Crescent. If you bought a plant let a day with plenty of water under the Crescent Moon. 3. A planter. Buy or makes a pot and put fertile land. 4. Planting and Summon: On the third day of Crescent Moon put in the pot the plant or seed. When you do take it very carefully and with all cotton and raise him to the sun and make the Ancestral Invocation, I am sending you attached. Calling or Invoking the Universal Force and its protection, invoking light and to thy seed germination and ask what additional. 5. Prayer: Deposit your seed or plant on earth and prays cover: Light Seed, Sun Seed in the earth today To let you grow healthy and strong will grow as my Prosperity will grow as my Happiness, will grow as my wisdom will grow as my Freedom Triumph Seed This Covenant of love and mutual care Today we join ... Under the Moonlight and Sun 6. Aftercare: first for miracles to happen, is that you believe ... If you do not believe and only fear and distrust, it will not niente! Cree you can heal your life and you can do it! Believe you can be rich, happy, educated and free! And that is the water that you water your destination. So, watch your mind that doubts do not enter. Read positive books such as Handbook Ambitions, Manquelipe or Tigre Blanco, Solar Suryavan (a friend of mine) Ask a shaman ... Assists groups Improvement and Personal Development. Condor Takes Seminars White High Technology Transformation. 7. And the plant ?.... Take care, water them and love it. See how grows and grows and grows. And when it outgrows the pot, transplántala to land or a large pot. Throughout the process you must put your full attention and not let it dry. Attention is attention. Nothing more. Talk to him since he is the seed and tell your purpose and what it means to you. Send her away, you'll treat her with love and born in you ... that you asked. Reports. Any questions just ask the Coordinator / Instructor of White Condor nearest holiday ... if not ... Because there are countries where only works Tuesday through Thursday .. Friday is a bridge or a holiday, Saturday, too. Sunday and Monday, over the bridge .. How the heck are you complaining about? And how they progress? .. Bill Gates said recently. "Now I only work 16 hours a day, not like before and weekends only 8 ... and on Sundays and holidays, just work 6 hours .. Everyone should learn to work, no dramas, no apologies, no fatigue and no sleep on our laurels. Works without getting discouraged, not deviate without desenfocarte and without ever giving up .. Know who knew how to work one day rest really. Expand this Energy!! Can report this to who you want. Many will read this document several times a week and practice what I recommend. Other slower, smile with skepticism. In the background are afraid. O Karmas. Remember everyone wants free stuff to fix your life. And when it comes free undervalue. I bet that some students of Neo Cahamnismo not review this document again thinking it is the same as last month. But you, you're a very clever aperson, send this document and the accompanying photo, all your relatives and acquaintances. Perhaps some do not care but many of them will thank you soon. Events. Learn what the next event in Neo-Shamanic Cóndor Blanco in your country. Assists you will not regret .. Those who do comuníquenme results. It is true that is a chaotic event aseries but behind that ... comes an era of greater consciousness and freedom. Comes an era of greater awareness of Abundance, life in the former felons is and always will remain under the sun's rays See you in the eyes, soon. Write to whether these documents you arrived safely. Are free ... And If you want to come to my Mountain in January or February, our Neo Shamanic World Event, first read the book "Manquelipe" and "White Tiger" will come better prepared for real awakening. Love, d rom the Chilean Andes Mountains. Suryavan@aol.com http://www.condorblanco.com/
Mayela RUIZ MURILLO, Head of Cabinet Search

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ontario Boat Registration Laws

of whom are children last?

MAYELARM_Tu question resolved Who are the children finally:
... Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Israel, Ishmael?. David, Solomon ... Joseph, Moses ...?
clarify that I understand as "creationism" God created the world in 6 days and 7 rested. Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel, Cain killed Abel, then we are children of a murderer. Time passes too much and it was all patasarriba and God chose Noah and his sons and wives to make the Ark and they alone were saved after the flood. So we are descendants of Noah (Shem and good and Can and the other children of these from the same Noah). Again everything is sooo evil and destroy Babel God sends ... Abraham then played with the slave and then Ishmael (the son of the black, hence Islam) and Sara Isaac (here called Israel Judaism and then Christianity).
are 12 tribes, including the child that Joseph goes to Egypt to enslave people to do the pyramids of Pharaoh and is collected by the Princess one Moses basket that will be walked through the desert for 40 years without seeing land promised. His successor down the walls of Jericho ... moreover, we can not forget that once again things did not go well and strikes Sodom and Gomorrah. In short, is a boy named David, who slays Goliath, who becomes King of a people ... having a bright child who builds a majestic temple which is only a wall where the Jews will make their prayers. That David is José-caste of kings, which binds Maria-caste of priests of the house of Judah, for the birth of Jesus, who over time and exist within Judaism (Old Testament) is to revolutionize the thing (Jesus) and sets after fariceos, Sadducees and other sects, a new and inhibit religion ... Saul, later called Paul, he mounted to Peter as the heir to the teachings, which past 100 years comes a pagan Roman king has things out of control and adopt Christianity as its official religion. choose Command of more than 150 written on their statements, only choose 4 and it appears that the New Testament along with the former is now called Bible ... and Catholic belief appears universal, apostolic, the 4 elected-and Roman-Vatican. is, first in Constantinople by Constantine and then to the Vatican at Rome. They are separated from the Orthodox bisantinos-by infighting on the virginity of Mary and other rolls such as the Trinity, then split Anglicans because Rome did not authorize the King's divorce, even the Protestant (Calvinist, Lutheran) and so is the thing to meet the not inconsiderable sum of 3,500 Christian sects among which we Adventists, Witnesses do not know what, kids ... etc.etc.etc and finally all believe they are sons of Adam. Certainly . The only certainty is that DNA and without vowels, is what we all have in common and share almost 100% with chimpanses and other homonymous. Ergo, we are ALL no matter the chosen people and all beliefs and dogmas imposed by a more clever. And that includes those who do know, those of Islam and Judaism itself-as well as those who do not know Melquised or Abraham ... or either: Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Shinto etcetcetc ... and like those who worship in Papua New Guinea and in the heart of the Amazon. Amen, because tod @ s are stardust, the same DNA that set all creation is manifested.

ANSWER: by Zerubbabel ... YR Member since: March 23, 2008
Best Answer - chosen by who asked
First the word "Day" using the Bible also does "time" and is used by God or the sacred author who writes what he dictates to represent 7 Great moments in Creation, comparing it with the 7 days a week, seven a symbolic number that expresses a complete process. Second Adam means "Humanity" in Hebrew, representing the whole of humanity. This was Cain (not sick humanity made in his image), Abel (died) and Seth. Descended from Seth (begotten in his image and likeness of God ie, represents humanity good sound). Third From Adam to Noah, there are 10 generations from Noah's son Shem to Abraham, there are 10 generations. Fourth From Adam to Shem, 11 generations of Arphaxad (Babylon) to Jacob, 11 generations, Judah, son of Jacob, King David, 11 generations, with both on 10 as 11 as a symbolic number Hebrew Kabbalah symbolizes the fullness generations, as in the creation in 7 days. It means that generations had passed through, as well as the various stages of creation that had to happen. Fifth Noah's grandchildren are the various nations, only translation that often leave them on that list, but then when he says that living in Egypt, for example if you translate.
Thus, a grandson of Noah was called Mizraim (Egypt), another Put (Libya), another Javan (Greece), another Gomer (Celtic), another Canaan (Phoenician, Canaanite, or Carthaginian, the same whose name was changing time by time. dates of the Bible are symbolic: 40 days on Mount Sinai, 40 days of the flood, 40 days Jesus in the desert. Means that those who had passed through. Sixth The exodus did happen and they have found remains of a great migration (the Hyksos, just does not add the date to which the Bible apparently. Seventh: The 10 plagues occurred and are explained, some 4 or 5, even, but all have an explanation, because God, the first day created light, ie the spiritual world, the beings of light, which ensure that the laws of nature are met .. . and God will not pop up for his people be expelled from Egypt. What happened was that there was a series of plagues, which led the Israelites were expelled, and this fact was regarded as being made by God in his favor, for it is said that some pests affecting the Israelites, and even that God hardened Pharaoh's heart, because that's what really happened, and then was related by God. That is proof that these plagues were not invented, but it really happened.
All the characters on your list samples representing tribes, clans or nations, not real people. Thus, the covenant of Abraham with Melchizedek represents covenants made by Israel with Philistines that were never Israel killed a thousand years from Abraham. The sacrifice of Isaac is the time when the Israelites came to the conclusion that God could not want the sacrifices of the Canaanites but asked them to test them.
all my life I've been researching the subject, as a descendant I am today, me and half the planet at least, all those characters who star as told in the Bible, as Israel came to Spain in year 70 the Romans spread them throughout Europe, and Ismailis in 711. C ny good manual on the subject you clarify, the Bible itself in his comments, any cure the world that has been studied in the seminar can tell you, is your work and likes to show interest.

Commentary questioner: really know what you're talking about, so I will not tell you to read other sacred texts and even less about the Kabbalah. If you want incursions "The Urantia Book." I love it, no doubt because further expand your horizons ...
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