Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sapira S Art And Science Of Bedside Diagnosis


As much has been said, the Oratory is the art of public speaking, but far beyond this, is the means by which we can relate much better with people around us, and depending on your use, you can persuade others for better or for worse. Throughout history have been known to many speakers, but the mass has been moved to today has been Jesus. In this art is handled stage fright and learn to control it, here are some techniques to manage fear:
  1. Breathe: Learning to breathe is very important and will allow you to control the feeling of distress and the amount of time to talk to lengthen.
  2. NLP: using this powerful tool by doing exercises where you visualize yourself doing your presentation in public and successfully avoiding mental autosaboteo using positive imagery.
  3. Practice: Remember that practice is the only thing that will help you improve every day, rather than learn in a course Failure to act soon will do.
  4. Smile: smile sends people a message of acceptance, not to smile sends a message of rejection, as well the smile is contagious.


as Carmen García Rivas says in his book "I have fear": fear causes you fear, that does not mean you'll never again feel, however, mean that you will feel and be controlled, because believe it or not, it is necessary because we are committed to doing things better.

An uncontrolled fear can make to an audience cry, laugh constantly, you make me want to go to the bathroom, miss your voice, feel nauseous, dancing or forget everything, so get to practice so you can avoid any of these moments and make an excellent presentation. Tweet

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bleeding During Ovulation More Condition_symptoms


All humans feel fear in any of its forms and at any time in our lives can be physical or psychological, the latter are represented in the fear of failure and fear of rejection. Fear can make us stay with the same partner, followed in the same job, belong to the same political party or a religion with which we grown. The rejection hurts and generates revenge, so it is generating violence, this rejection creates the fear of marginalization, which may be suffered by any person, whether by age, education, race, religion, politics, gender, among others.
Moreover, the failure is directly related to expectations about the success we have, hence we feel fear. The success is unknown face and leave the comforts to which we submitted in the past. By setting goals, we get them at any cost and is there when sabotage the result to feel fearful of achieving them can therefore lead to failure.
These two fears, rejection and failure are very powerful, so we must be aware and watch for control as they arise.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chafing More Condition_symptoms


Throughout history there have been many names that have put us, from princesses to cuaima and witches, and many poems and songs have been written, probably all thanks to a woman he came to offer a forbidden apple to Adam. In the later story that is created early in life, she has dealt with the housework and children, as well as planting and harvesting, as happened in prehistory. But it has also been admired for its beauty and by his cunning when to seduce a man, as the case of Pandora and her box, set this woman from Greek mythology to punish Prometheus for stealing fire and giving it to mortals. And many are the stories written by men and placed them as actors in the same medium extinct due to machismo, caused accidentally by us women.
Some even have created characters as if Suzie Mafalda and its counterpart, the latter stands out for its unique features among which are: the idea to be when I grow up a wife and mother, living in a beautiful home , with a husband who has money, wants it, and keep the pleased, to have children educated and spend your afternoon tea with her friends talking about how wonderful the family, they look familiar?, well some have been raised with this syndrome, Susie, and some because of this behavior, by contrast have grown up with the idea that are equal to men. Two opposing ideas that will undoubtedly go to extremes and even among ourselves there are nothing supportive, unlike the complicated relationships that keep people constantly.
But what if no discussion is that from the twentieth century women have played a leading role in society and history is being written for us, leadership is growing especially in our society, of course there are some countries where the perception of women has not changed since prehistoric times, but soon I'm sure it will be significant changes because we are constantly evolving.

What I want to emphasize is that I am convinced that we must have equal conditions and opportunities, but that does not mean we try to be men, women are the most beautiful creation of God and our role in the world is something that we must not forget.