The Caduceus is one of the oldest symbols. Is better known as the symbol of the DNA structure and healing used by the medical profession. From ancient Mesopotamia, the caduceus presented two serpents intertwined (the central nervous system) around a rod (spinal cord) with wings (the "Swan") on both sides (the two hemispheres of the brain with the circle in the center pineal gland is the "Central Sun" or psychic center). It also symbolizes the power of Kundalini. Originally it was the symbol of Enki (the archetype) Syrian-Anunnaki creator god who was the chief of the magicians, "who knows" and famous for being the snake in the Garden of Eden (the great laboratory to the south-west Iraq) and helped create life forms in test tubes, half a million years ago. Biblical scribes called him this snake Nehushtan healing. The Hebrew word for snake is "nahash." The root of the word comes from the Hebrew letters "Nun", "Het" and "Shin" which means "guess." In India, the "nagas" were the gods and snake goddesses. In America was Quetzalcoatl. The world serpent revered for his wisdom, but, ironically, had nothing to do with snakes unless you have to "guess." Why was elected to the snake? For their ability to survive in environments most inhospitable, for its shape, which resembles the flow of energy in the spine, and because it inspires caution in people. The serpent has always represented wisdom, life and healing. Was not considered an evil to be much later in the Judeo-Christian religions. Enki transferred power to his son Ningishzida Caduceus (Thoth), the healing god, and then to other family members for being a sibling of the genetic code of Enki. The history of when the snake became a symbol of evil began with the wars between Enki (Adonai) and his brother Pleyadino (the Pleiades) Enlil (Jehovah). These conflicts began when these gods were born and had to do with the birthright to the throne of civilization "Nibiru", led by ANU, father of two. This story is then reflected in the biblical Cain and Abel, and all the stories that the brothers struggle for power.
The staff with the Caduceus was also a tool of Moses. (Yes, Moses, Aaron and Ankhenatón and their children, Hatshepsut, was part of the family of Enki.) The staff of Moses, often used by his brother Aaron, was famous for his miracles. Another connection between the staff and snakes during the Exodus occurred when the staff became a snake. Aaron was a High Priest and had been trained in magic. He and Moses was instructed by Enki. (Moses and Ankhenaton incarnational soul were extensions related to Enki.) Moses was approached by two gods in Exodus. Sometimes I do not know who was talking or what to do. Enki and Enlil were communicating with him and this created confusion, separation of beliefs. Enki called for humans to have their own connection to the "source" inside them and live by faith in the One God. For its part, Enlil (Jehovah) plotted and imposed violent actions against those who did not follow his orders. Eventually, people succumbed to their intrigues and decided to follow him out of fear. And we all know very well what happened next. Luckily Caduceus Heritage survived. In some versions the pole or rod held the solar circle and sometimes a crescent moon. Nisaba, a daughter of Enki was a staff topped with a cross similar "ankh" (Egyptian Cross). For some, the staff symbolized Hermes / Mercury. Over time different civilizations in India, the Americas, Greece, Egypt, including the high schools of mysteries and secret societies have used the Caduceus and given different names. In Christianity, the archangel Michael was associated with this rod. The sirens became the symbol of Caduceus and were represented with a snake in each hand. This scepter or staff was considered so powerful that it said was capable of resurrecting the dead. The symbol of the serpent power was later transferred to the symbol of the Dragon, which continued to represent wisdom. The dragon could "guess." This is one reason it is said that humans are inherited "divine." You can see a version of the Caduceus with the winged sun disk in ancient Egypt, incorporating the wisdom of our divinity and eternal soul, with the wisdom that traditionally wore.
Even today you can see this symbol on the arches and entrances to temples and structures of the Royalty, to remind those who are actually falling. And this does not mean only the DNA connection with Enki, but also the divine soul from the Source. The symbol represents the winged goddess Isis wife, who fathered human blood connection to "pair" with the "gods." The first of these goddesses was the sister of Enki, and one of his wives, the great scientist NIN. The "ankh" came from the name of Enki and is a key to how he and Nin worked to hybridize the Neanderthal species and make the human prototype. {Hú-(god), man (child)} godman. Enki and Enlil have worked for thousands of years to repair the damage done to "Terra" and humanity due to their quarrels. Enlil still gets impatient at times, but he and Enki have learned to respect each other and find ways to work together. They hope that we overcome the "bad blood" between brothers, sisters and relatives passed so long ago and we see who we really are in the same family, all of it divine. When you see the Caduceus, remember that you are detonating its own genetic memory, a symbol of their heritage. Each of us has in its DNA, in varying degrees, wisdom and ability to achieve eternal life, for the inbred line of Enki. Since Enki, there have been other beings from outside this planet who have added their own DNA to the human species. So, we are all one family, a mixture of the One God. In our insides is the consciousness that we can liberate ourselves through knowledge, symbolized by the serpent, who we are-the true Messiah. _______________________
Excerpt from a page Internet on the Planet Nibiru and the Anunnaki.
Translated by: Rosario Vega.
While there was love between the brothers Enki and Enlil, were used by his father Anu in his own power game. Often, these brothers was not to agree on many of their affairs, especially when they had to do with human beings under his command. Enlil never had patience or compassion for people and in many cases, such as in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, he literally swept out of existence. He tried again during the time of the Great Flood (Flood Universal), but Enki (and those who followed him) took action on the matter and alerted the "Noah" around the world about the imminent danger that was approaching. Anu, Enlil and the other Anunnaki in their favor with Enki became very angry for having warned humans. In the history of the Garden of Eden, Enlil was furious when Enki allowed humans to access wisdom, becoming more "godlike" and thus equal to the Anunnaki. To counter-attack Enki and his attempt to regain his power over humans, Enlil was given the task of discrediting the reputation of Enki, spreading the idea that the serpent of wisdom was an evil entity. Enlil tried to remove the DNA code that Enki transmitted to humans and the Anunnaki used for longevity. But Enlil was not completely successful because most of Enki's plan had worked. For many centuries later, humans tried to duplicate what the gods used to maintain youth and health, and those who had some knowledge were able to invent substitutes for a while. But had more to do with the DNA content of the individual. The more pure the DNA in the hereditary line of Enki, the individual had more opportunity to achieve longevity, etc. Then, by combining the DNA with the spiritual awakening of the body, blood and spirit supplements nutrition, every human would know who he is. Revenge of Enlil continued. Punished women, those who lived in great pain and suffering for being the first experimenters to give birth to new generations of human-gods, and created a dominant patriarchy destroyed and disrespected women thereafter. Then set the "stage" of blaming women for the problems of humans: the "original sin" and the "temptation of Eve." This created problems INANNA, his daughter. His healing temples were all female and tantra destroyed, his name erased from the gifts he had brought to humanity, and every woman was enslaved and punished. The battle between the brothers continued until the time of Exodus.
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