FELIIIZ'M SUPER, SUPER FELIIZZ AM hahaha, emulating the Esteban show up here after a few days rest (actually quite the contrary, rest on the blog but by excessive work out d the ) with my first award!
not you imagine the illusion that happiness makes me so great and I have taken q when an d my favorite girls, betweenmydresses.blogspot.com , leave me a coment here announcing the good news!
Many thanks again, gorgeous, if I had a little piece my heart d property you have been another bit more, a big kiss!

The rules of this award are these:
- Do you blog mention of the grant.
- Reply to minitest that proves your level of "monosidad"
1. What animal do you reincarnate? "In a lion, a panther ... is what I really like but I think I would stay in a mouse or something.
2. Something without which you can not be "The music
3. What do you most appreciate in a person? - The courage and good intentions
4. Soil color dress ... "Everything all the clubs but not deny that I love to wear black
5. Three words that define you. - Buff .. only 3? dreamer, a fighter, Raritan .. hahaha
6. One place would you travel. - A place ire insurance will be Egypt. There are many more like Greece, Morocco, Japan, Mexico ...
7. Your favorite quote (from a book, movie ...) - It does not rain forever, my favorite movie, the crow.
8. Something I want to do (learning a language, traveling to an exotic ...) - I want to learn German, learn Japanese, learn Elvish! travel to Egypt, see the Bernabeu, re-gijon, meet bustamante, mother, so many things!
9. Most want to be ... "I continue being myself but feeling proud d it.
10. I admit that my biggest "have is ..." Hmm ... Q I think my continued concern for not hurting anyone, aunq not always succeed, it is clear. (Not I know well what is monosidad even jiji q)
Now as a reward to other blogs in two categories: Latest "monkeys" and Veterans with 100% "monosidad" vein, and notices, a few words.
Buff, this is a real problem, would be so many ... I wish I could name them all but I have to choose q so q. .. these are:
-http: / / noesev.blogspot.com / as not! d is our new girls, always has a sweet and kind word for everyone, for being you, noe, you deserve it!
-http: / / labuena-estrella.blogspot.com /, q tb porq she knows is my favorite d, q feel less without the other, you know I love you all q! porq is a gorgeous girl outside and especially inside, tb t deserve it!
-http: / / anatxuchic.blogspot.com /, because we are recovering like a champ and has now been released porq tb to help us in our outfits, our jeep tb Anatxu deserve it!
-http: / / jewelstyle.blogspot.com /, is a veteran porq where q has the world eats each day with joy and color, was GOD first blogs porq q known, for you tb!
I would like to give it to many more girls, but this can perpetuate the idea is not it? hehe
A big kiss to all, I shall pass d visit when I can, I q tngo a little neglected: (
We read!
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