Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Easton Stealth Cnt Red -5
... It seems that I am always half yet, right? if I am a complete disaster! but knowing that I have a new, dear reader (yes, Isa, is for you: P) I decided to post again.
Again we have here the fall and I remember the entry I made about a year to teach a couple of new acquisitions in which the pajamas out below, disaster often! jajajaj
This time I will be teaching little by little, if not leave it halfway again, new stuff. But for now tell you that I found zara swept from the first day I opened it! I am slowly accumulating boxes in the room with all my new clothes in, I get a little pain then remove d how well envueltecita coming!
This season especially, I like whoooole! and I have sooo extensive list of things I need .... starting with a cape and a black hunter with socks on oil ... .. and ending with anything, really, because I want everything! However
I realize that what I lack, besides money, are ideas! I have clothes and clothes and do not know how to combine and when I look up everything I feel good that I'd like, no, I need style! Have you ever felt like this?
Anyway ... I do not roll up a lot and I show one picture, crappy, but at least without pajamas under the light of day, where out my new purse from Zara. Is not it beautiful? I hope soon teach military shirt d zara kids and waistcoat d hair with leather shorts ... I hope not to forget, but do not promise anything, you know I am!
Many kisses to tod @ s!

Poncho: stradivarius 09
Bermuda Summer 2010
zara hairy biker boots (bend but it seemed too much winter for the sun that made!): 2010
zara bag: zara 2010
Collar ... , P
Friday, September 3, 2010
Free Mario Salieri Spanish
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sapira S Art And Science Of Bedside Diagnosis
- Breathe: Learning to breathe is very important and will allow you to control the feeling of distress and the amount of time to talk to lengthen.
- NLP: using this powerful tool by doing exercises where you visualize yourself doing your presentation in public and successfully avoiding mental autosaboteo using positive imagery.
- Practice: Remember that practice is the only thing that will help you improve every day, rather than learn in a course Failure to act soon will do.
- Smile: smile sends people a message of acceptance, not to smile sends a message of rejection, as well the smile is contagious.
as Carmen García Rivas says in his book "I have fear": fear causes you fear, that does not mean you'll never again feel, however, mean that you will feel and be controlled, because believe it or not, it is necessary because we are committed to doing things better.
An uncontrolled fear can make to an audience cry, laugh constantly, you make me want to go to the bathroom, miss your voice, feel nauseous, dancing or forget everything, so get to practice so you can avoid any of these moments and make an excellent presentation. Tweet
Friday, May 7, 2010
Bleeding During Ovulation More Condition_symptoms

Moreover, the failure is directly related to expectations about the success we have, hence we feel fear. The success is unknown face and leave the comforts to which we submitted in the past. By setting goals, we get them at any cost and is there when sabotage the result to feel fearful of achieving them can therefore lead to failure.
These two fears, rejection and failure are very powerful, so we must be aware and watch for control as they arise.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Chafing More Condition_symptoms

What I want to emphasize is that I am convinced that we must have equal conditions and opportunities, but that does not mean we try to be men, women are the most beautiful creation of God and our role in the world is something that we must not forget.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How Do Pontoon Trailers Work

communication elements already know the elements presented in the media as the transmitter, receiver, message, channel, etc. But let's really the kinds of language: Oral language
reality modeling language, the agreement creates or recreates the perceptions and interests of speakers
outsources language mind is our thinking that leaves us by voice or pen, the spirit materialized. The language reflects reality and creates reality
But the fact that human language we use does not imply that we understand thoroughly, many do as a little boy of three with a television is capable pressing the button that starts and / or change the channel but not even remotely understand the nature of television, is likely to be asked as I walk these people there
The importance of words is such that within a same language as the choice of a word focuses on the thinking in one direction, and another word would carry little different in other ways
Example: Phrase with different emotions
"The control is all yours"
body language said that in a population southern Italy, police apprehended a Neapolitan suspected of stealing a wallet to a tourist. The guy was screaming and gesturing dramatically and loudly claimed his innocence. The officers tied his hands and arms and took him to court. But the most unexpected happens: submitted and charged to the public prosecutor, all feverish eloquence of the man has disappeared. The alleged thief is silent ... after a while of this gap, the official says,
But what's wrong? Talk! And the Neapolitan replies: I want to speak if I have my hands tied!
Our body is language, is energy and emotion, communication, intuition can be respect, creativity, kindness, mysticism, and arrogance, contempt, aggressiveness.
The body language is different from person to another and from one culture to another. However, the theory that defends Paul Ekman and is consistent with that of Darwin, shows that although body movements may vary, so if no changes are the expressions of emotions such as anger, disgust, joy, sadness, fear.
students in schools are spending nearly paralyzed from the waist down, the best times of the day. Teachers adhere to the principle that understanding the world is by means of reason. Little or nothing is taught about how to perceive the body and how to express the level beyond the primary or natural. Tweet
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Dry Throat More Condition_treatment
Rapture of the Church:
John 5:28-29, " Marvel not this: for the hour is coming when all who are in the graves shall hear his voice, and those who did good, unto the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. "
In this verse stands prayer time is coming: Christ not only gives spiritual life now, but will give physical life in the future. Two separate resurrections Revelation 20:4-5 "And I saw thrones, and seated on them were those who received authority to judge and I saw the souls of those beheaded for the witness of Jesus and the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image , and had not received his mark upon their foreheads or their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years. This is the first resurrection " The resurrection of life and the resurrection of damnation presented here in the manner of the prophets of the Old Testament that future events are grouped together regardless of time example Isaiah 61:2 "To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all who mourn ". Jesus was teaching the universality of the resurrection, not time it. Those who have done good: The only good thing anyone can do is believe in Christ, God's John 6:28-29 sent " Then he said," What must we do to implement the works of God? answered Jesus said to them: This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He sent " All other good actions out there. Any good thing to be done without that belief means nothing to God and will result in resurrection condemnation.
Juan 14:1-1-3 "not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, there ye may be also. And you know where to go, and know the way
After announcing the betrayal of Judas, his impending departure and the denial of Peter, Jesus told his disciples not to be troubled, but to trust Him Dice believe ... believe: The simple yet profound solution to all our problems is believing. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Our actions are not simply the product of our deepest convictions. The key is what we believe, the object of our faith. The right thinking is essential for a correct action, and it starts when you think God correctly. Thus, the entire chapter fourteen is the entry of Jesus, the teacher advisor, about what God is and says more about the upcoming Peter's denial. On the contrary, gives you confidence to trust in God the Father, God the Son, and God is Holy Spirit. This survey is going to keep trusting Fart while suffering the shaking of Satan. Luke 22:31-32 "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and you, once again , strengthen your brethren "
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 "But I would not, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again and so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say unto you the word of the Lord, that we which are alive, who remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself with a loud command, with voice of the archangel and with the trump of God shall descend from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive, who are alive and remain shall be caught together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words " those who sleep: This is a metaphor for death. Though Paul taught the Thessalonians of the second coming Christ's brother was with them, apparently found Timothy more questions about the subject, possibly as a result of the death of some new converts. In response to these questions, says Paul wanted them to be informed and comforted by the hope of seeing their loved ones. His pagan neighbors had no such hope. This hope for Christians who died was as sure as death and resurrection of Christ. Paul says God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. Some infer from this statement that the Christian dead are unconscious until the Second Coming. But the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord Jesus 2 Corinthians 5:8 "We are confident, and willing rather to be absent from the body and present with the Lord." Therefore, when a Christian dies is the body that sleeps, the soul goes to heaven. So, when Christ returns will result from heaven to earth the souls of Christians who have died, confirming his prior residence in the presence of God. This coming of Christ is also physical, although Christ is present everywhere in His deity. Matthew 28:20 " teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." and resides in the believer John 14: 23 "Jesus answered and said unto him who loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and come to him and make our abode with him" It will be the ultimate event: Christ will physically from heaven to earth to receive the believers. Paul believed that Christ would come during his life, I myself went to the Thessalonians. Proceed which sleep: Evidently the Thessalonians were concerned that believers who die lose the glory associated with the coming of Christ for his church. Paul answers the question by saying that the dead go before those who were alive on earth. Christ's descent from heaven will be accompanied panied by the voice of an archangel, perhaps Miguel, who is portrayed as the leader of the army of God. The only other angel who is appointed in Scripture is Gabriel, which plays an important role as a messenger of God. The voice of the archangel will be triumphant because of the great victory at the coming of Christ, culminating with thousands of years of spiritual conflict with Satan. The final signal will be the trumpet of God. The three elements consisting of the voice command of the Lord, the voice of an angel and the trump of God may be separate events that occur in quick succession. The doctrine of resurrection is a fundamental teaching of the Christian faith, including the resurrection of Christ and, finally, of all people. The answer to the alleged will be raised about how the dead brother the rest of their bodies is some cases are scattered, not a problem for the supernatural God who created the world. Clearly, the resurrection is a physical sense in which earthly existence is restored as confirmed by 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. The bodies of Christians will be resurrected like Christ. Incorruptible and immortal, and even of flesh. All may be recognized, as was the resurrected body of Christ. Christians who are alive will be caught together with other believers in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (the English word rapture , some used theology for the event, is derived from the Latin verb raptus, wrest meaning). in the clouds probably refers to the cloudy weather which will also be present at the Second Coming, or it can be resurrected crowds are called cloud. In the Bible, the Lord is usually followed by clouds, indicating its glory. The main result is that we ever be with the Lord. Good cheer: It means described the wonderful truth becomes a comfort to the Thessalonians and for all Christians. They were wrong in believing that only those who were alive at the time of Christ's coming would witness and share their glory. And the fact that Christians who have died will rise first and well before that meeting alive in heaven. Notice that Paul expected an almost immediate response to this great doctrinal teaching of the Second Coming. The Thessalonians should remind one another the truth as a source of comfort in facing death. The sentence is in present tense, indicating that there must be a constant comfort for us to think that the day of the Lord could come any day.
Romans 14:10-12 " 10 But you, why do you judge your brother?" Or you, why do you despise your brother? We shall all stand before the tribunal of Christ. It is written: I live, saith the Lord, that to me every knee shall bow, every tongue will confess to God. So each of us shall give account of himself to God. " Paul turns again to the weak and strong. The weak should not judge , and the strong must not despise . All believers are responsible to his master, Jesus Christ, they will be represented before him Before the tribunal of Christ, every life of believers pear evaluate them to determine the reward of 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 "Therefore try as well, whether present or absent, be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the tribunal of Christ, that each one may receive what he has done while in the body, whether good or bad ". Every knee : One day everyone will submit to the authority of God. Judge all men before his great throne. Revelation 20:11-15 "And I saw a great white throne and him who sat on him, fled from the earth and sky, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small , standing before the throne, and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged by the things that were written in the books, according to his works. And the sea gave the dead who were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were judged every man according to his works. And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And that not found written in the book of life was cast the lake of fire "
The Great White Throne is an image of the Kingdom of God's view. The one who occupies the throne may be God is Father, or both the Father and the Lamb (Christ), as in New Jerusalem. fled the earth and sky is a poetic way of describing the conflagration of this building and related works, as described in 2 Peter 3:10-13 "But 10 the day the Lord will come like a thief in the night, in which the heavens will disappear with a roar and the elements will melt with fire, and earth and the works that are therein shall be burned. Since all these things shall be dissolved! how ought you to be in holy and pious way of life, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, in which the heavens, lighting, shall be dissolved, and the elements being burned , will melt! Nevertheless we, according to his promise, a new heaven and new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. " There is no place for this creation tainted with sin in heaven and earth. The dead, those who are called the other dead, (20:5) are raised and placed before the Judgement Throne of God. For some, the first resurrection, includes only the martyrs (20:4), so both believers and unbelievers will stand before the great white throne. Others indicate that the broad promise of reigning with Christ given specifically for Christians in the book of Revelation is clear that all Christians will experience the first resurrection and also will not have to stand trial in the great white throne. The books refer to the registration of all works done in this life. Since we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, the result of opening of these books lead the condemnation in the lake of fire. Then he opens the book life, the record of God of the saved. So, although none will be approved at the trial of the works, the believers will be saved by God's grace received through faith in Jesus Christ. The sea is the resting place of all bodies unburied . Death and Hades refer not only to death, but to existence beyond the grave. The picture here is that all the purple intermediate of human bodies deliver this to the trial of God. While humanity is judged according unconverted their works , death and hell, God's ultimate enemy is also destroyed when cast into the lake of fire, second death is spiritual and eternal. It is the just punishment of the wicked. The first is physical death. Both are included in the full meaning of death that comes upon mankind because of sin of Adam and Eve. Only the elect of God those whose name is written in the book of life , escape the lake of fire. The rejection of the everlasting gospel is in eternal damnation.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Littlest Pet Shop Secret Number
He sat in that chair threadbare carpet by the passage of time and which had a foul smell disappeared only when the sense of smell admitted as an escort. It took work spinning the first few sentences but once he found the key to run out. He wrote about life, love and misunderstanding but was never happy with what she recounted. I thought that the words did not conform to reality or, worse, he was unable to find the desired words to express what your heart meant. Thus was born his frustration evident, of wanting to be a writer and do not have enough inner strength to get it. He was aware that he had plenty in the following order: ambition, talent and knowledge but knew that he lacked the most important for success: a chance. Had been circulated by various publishers several of his creations but the answer was always negative. Praised his imagination but reproached him in a letter devoid of personality, "his lyrics were too poignant and demand of the reader were written that did not cause crying." Every time I got one of those colorful letters on letterhead, that came his way after going through the both of his fellow prisoners, are demonized and invoked the devil take those inept that they had failed their works.
"Two rows crossed the cheeks of a melancholy face for the suffering. If there is the possibility of joining them, surely the result would have been similar to the two halves of a broken glass a stone's throw away. On his forehead, the wrinkles were the ravages caused by the eternal weeping and life imprisonment. However, his spirit was as strong as an old oak tree whose bark is tanned by the passage of the sunrises and sunsets. So was she, a woman of fragile and fleeting smile but a strong and overwhelming ... "
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Full Wax Before After
Here I am again! I do not think so .... haha \u200b\u200b.. and I have to thank aunq Moli to remember me for this meme, because that's happened has given me a new post as he does not want the thing (as I mimaan !), thank you very much, wapa!
Well, this meme has created Dru and if we do this duck going to die! so for the sake d patil community and I'm worth it ... porq here yo ... tachaaaaan (roll drums, Koha!) my 10 secrets d makeup / beauty!

Well, this is where I should clarify that bt if not quite denied for this work, besides that my budget is extremely tight and I have not tasted in my life a fond de teint as God commands or super pigmented shadow d Mac: _ (q I do not think so may be worth d much, but there are!
1.Create q this is something very obvious, but q is not always taken into account ... cleaning and hydration are the most important steps to follow, to my mind and I d q for all, really.'s no makeup will serve as a diva if you have dry skin and tight and you cracked the base or if you have a horrible glare! Asi q jamas salgo a la calle, por mucha prisa q tenga, sin limpiarme bien la carita e hidratarla!
Actualmente utilizo el limpiador al agua d deliplus, el agua de avena de la misma marca como tonico y la hidratante hydra d roc.
2.Tengo la piel tremendamente sensible asi que todos los dias, y en verano mas aun me fumigo con agua de avena o con agua termal. Se me queda la carita como el culito d un bebe !
3.No salgo a la calle sin eyeliner y khol, me siento desnuda ! Tengo ojos de topo y si no me hago este ligero..ejem...retoque, parece q no he despertado aun!
4.Adoro la mascara d pestañas masterpiece max d maxfactor !!
5.Aunque mis pestañas son muy largas, tengo 3 pesetas d hairs so q d at night before I go to bed well with the smeared abeñula, that of a lifetime! q for the MN seems to me bright eyes, I love it!
6. Actually I have 3 routines before getting into bed:
- smeared with me abeñula
- I smeared d ANTI mixed with rosehip oil
d - let me outline two blobs d q d eyes and let my skin absorb slowly while I sleep
7.All day I have a good time d
8.Suelo spinning a glass of water at the time to get up. When I sleep I was so often forgotten, stating jajaja q
9.Termino showers with cold water, for that of the circulation and cellulite invasion !
10. Alternate potingues my body, one day I echo the Deliplus olive body, the day after the anti-cellulite roc, the third ANTI and the next round begin! (The ANTI me also echo the evening caaaada day without fail!)
Well ... those are my little secrets, do not know if they are too effective, but I put forward jajaja, q I hope I have given some ideas, aunq not for me to give them ... besides YOU ARE all wonderful! ;)
The meme I'd like it hicierais q q all and you have read me blog, I would love to know your secrets and possibly one will copy!
We read, a big kiss!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Gay Cruising Jersey City
"He got out of bed. Dressed. Relaxed. Deep breath and swallowed. He walked to his chair and sat down, lit a cigarette. Eric lighting a cigarette when he was nervous. This time it was not. Was too ebullient to allow time for nervousness. Looked down and started laughing. Timidly at first, only her lips laughed, then his eyes were all over her face and then laughed out loud, loud laughter that echoed through the walls of the room. Terrifying laughter, laughter rare ... While Eric did not laugh, he had forgotten to laugh. But now he did not know why.
But suddenly his face hieratic turned serious again, expressionless, cold. He lifted his head. Had begun to rain outside. The hollow sound of the falling rain leaks through the floor and rang in the ears of Eric as a drum. The pace of the beating of his heart was racing, all he quickened at the thought of an image of the past. Past that part of it.
again stood up and walked to the window. Remained closed as he had left and opened it carefully. He sat on the sill and put a leg over him. He leaned against the glass. The rain wet his hands, feet wet, it seeped into his soul and in the cracks the ceiling. A crow came and landed on his shoulder. Eric looked at him with respect, was his friend. It was his confidant, the only one who knew his secret. The crow was flying around the house forever, never went away, and if he did was to announce a death. Had not appeared at the house for a couple of days. Something was happening. Croaked and again walked away from Eric. His cigarette was consumed in his hand ... as time consuming ... "
Another little piece of" hell "... written by me when I was 17, as you know.
A big kiss!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Funny Marriage Invitation Wordings
few weeks I've been overwhelmed by the new season, safe q it happen to more than one! dq realize I hardly find anything in my closet q can serve me, my basic absent and I realize that I have patterned clothes in his day have been a lot but have been left behind ... Q
so when I get to create a comfortable look, resultón for the day to day and without complications, I would not remove d above or with hot water!
is the case with this outfit, combining simple things to create something to go grab a coffee on a Sunday afternoon like this, aunq this day so ugly! or shopping or even to work if you do not have to wear a uniform.
As you see I mixed flowers, which come stomping, striped navy in the purest style, I like the result, do you think?
Hugs, as you see I have not taken, I promised! ... more and better soon!

shirt: zara jacket
: stradivarius
tissue: white jeans
: green boots
coast: mustang
bag: white
glasses: you have no clue, eh? hehe (Ray Ban)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Watch Mysore Mallige Clips

Hi, girls! (And any other child tb jeje q)
popular request I write this post ... (u, q'm going to believe me!). I've been missing a long time, I know, and I am just going tp post your blogs as soon as you do not know :(... Sorry but I do not really feel anything esq motivated ... d ideas and had lots of hopes and a season I q I d like doing anything at all. I wander home, down the street, through cyberspace .... without getting anywhere .. but do not worry, I'm fine, a little lost but well, no pains of any kind and not too bad, in a neutral state say, there are days q q divinely and other not so, but we, as a tod @ s, right?
weeks ago say "morning update, fixed!" but I am leaving, leaving .... and here I am, without even knowing that your life is ... my dear Renee, how is your pregnancy? I promise to stop by your corner to keep an eye on that wonderful tummy! (to see if I meet q and we can see the face and I did not hear!), Gema, beautiful! tb thank you for remembering me ... all the rest, q say you are wonderful, you know who I mean, bad I though I usually see the duster q n I can avoid it I note certain preferences jajaja aunq and q know every d You are a tremendously important part of all this, without you @ s would not be possible ....
Come, I promise this week q q volvere enters (yeahhhh, general applause ...;)) it is time to take my d above this vapidity, no? That the illusion
d seizes my from now on! q all see him (and suffer for it lol)
Loads of kisses to everyone s, thanks for d go there despite all ! (...)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Cramping In Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms
I would think that do not exist and never will do me but you know it is not possible and that will fall on your claws there is the slightest chance. It may not be the best result to the given equation and, therefore, each day I try to be imposed sanity to this madness that dominates and in front of me I can not fight for more to try. I close my eyes and I can not get you out of my head. I haunting, violent, and I put me through the ropes to fall, losing balance and disappears in your mouth dark and abstract. I do not know why I seek or why I want to find in those nights become increasingly darker and less room for hope. Every time I do most of you, I point your finger and ask me, with your clear coat and starched to follow you steadily. Abandonment sheets, dam of nervousness and wrapped in a cold sweat, I run the curtains and look out the window. And there you see, looking defiant, calling me with your songs misleading. Perfectly aware of my weaknesses you know that one day jump into the void and initiate a path of stones without any return. I'll go, fly to the sound of your arms and utter a strange noise, I will send to you, because of my despair and sorrow. And the day that happens it will rain and the drops of rain in perspective represent all that I poured for you, object of my desire. Then the rope was cut and this agony will now gnawing inside her final touch, desplegaré my wings and I shall insert in the world of lack, of the transparent. Succumb to your promises of eternal happiness and I'll hold you think you're the algorithm resolving my inherent sadness.
will not have to outline metal and plastic smiles when what I want is to throw me to mourn and to stick to your back so you will not forget me, I climb on your back and carry me wherever your opinion deserves be. But though my soul to the universe will always be chimeric than all the places that once passed and my pale face a smile inert sketch in your honor and I will, like you used to ask me at that time and archaic, a kiss on the forehead, I'll grab your hand without you noticing as you share your life and enjoy it without me, condemned to eternal misery and existential sobbing continued. Soon you will realize who is the shadow that follows you into the deepest darkness of the day, which takes you on a trip to return and help you cope with that every day you can not stand without me, living in the city of meetings and welcome. There'll wait aware that one day I will find you. Your sincerity will take with me and even though ours is not possible to walk to earth, yes it is there where the waves crash against the rocks and the walls are not barriers that destroy lives. I know someday we'll fly together but not at the same pace. I know that when everything is over here the first name pronounced the mine. I know that insatiably seek me and find me when I observe more beautiful than ever, with a twinkle in his eye and joy in my soul because at last reach her happiness.
However, you do not see you because there will be opportunity. Cross the border do not know if early or late but I suspect it will not be mine. Go to the gates of a place dedicated to the purification and cleaning, where the spirits ride and there is no sun. And meanwhile, you are aware of the reality and I think I'll always be comforted physically there. You're wrong. I'll never return. Where my laughter can emerge as did long ago, where there are unicorns and mammoths. Where will those who fight to win the battle and those who are left to win the fight deliberately. There I go. The sky. And the reality is that, to incite me to fly or, worse still, learn to play the piano.
Rabbit Hutch Stand Blue Print
The elders say we must let go of the shore and push toward the center of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above water. See who is there with you and celebrate. At this moment in history, we should not take anything personally, especially ourselves! For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt on the road. Gone are the days of the lone wolf. Meet! Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. Everything we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
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Saturday, February 13, 2010
What Is Cervix Like Just Before Period

Friday, February 12, 2010
Right Shoulder Blade Pain More Condition_symptoms
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Itchy Ears More Condition_symptoms
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Monday, January 25, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Cruising Spots Las Vegas
The darkness was terrifying, but magic at a time, the vast silence, broken only by the thunder and the cries of souls writhing in hell, empty body rotting in gray and neglected graves, where the vegetation had long since ceased to grow, disturbed the environment with an ironic laugh, happy world of fear of dismay. (...)
An ashtray fell to the floor and a puff of smoke everywhere, now. Eric got up from his chair. With watery eyes and hands are stained rose and lit a cigarette. You could see his clothes torn, a coat to toe in black leather, exposing the white skin of his chest, and pants that allow drawings guess his hip. He was barefooted and with bleeding feet wing approached an open window. The wind ruffled his black hair and a flash of lightning illuminated the mysterious green-eyed gaze.
A tear slid down her cheeks. He thought, casting her gaze wanders through the darkness of the night. She closed her eyes tired. He pushed the window until it heard the crash closing. He spent the curtains. Took a few steps and stood before the altar. He puffed his cigar and the smoke covered his face impassive. He passed his hand over the cold stone as if caressing a woman, quietly, while excited just thinking about that caressed the woman he loved.
inches was removed from the altar. He went back to his chair and leaned back, his back to the bedroom door. She brushed her hair from her forehead slowly. Deep breath and put out the cigarette. Eric had a palísima skin, immaculate, perfect, without sin, coal-black hair, a green-eyed gaze and a fleshy lips bright red, as tempting as every part of your body. It was adorned with silver hoops that made him even more attractive if it were possible that even more. His was a perfect face, beautiful, impassive, like the face of the dead. It was a really solemn face, hypnotic ... devastatingly sublime.
Someone came up behind him quietly. Eric spoke
"I was expecting. You're late. (...)

Excerpt from "Hell" I started writing 16 years ... 11 years and many pages later, this work remains incomplete. Perhaps one day finish it, the idea in my mind, its development and its grand finale ... maybe completely change the language and keep the content but I'd be true to its roots and leave it as it was, as I wrote as a teenager. What do you think, we seek a vocabulary and a more careful drafting or leave to remain herself?
A big kiss and thanks for all your encouraging messages!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thank You Note For Reatail Interview
I've always known that I am a complicated person and who really loves me you must do so largely because for loving me no q be extremely patient to cope with my arsenal of defects ... so who has years with me is because I really want to be I guess there .. no person to have on hand just for the holidays more than anything because they are often too busy in 60% of the time.
Sometimes I am a pert and open and sometimes I am an extremely withdrawn because of my insecurity above. But one thing that bothers me, I do not know if all the matter with you but I often find myself in my life with people that bother me, make me feel even more insecure, and to make you want to hide your head under the earth, people almost always captivating personality that I will not deny it now, I envy ... and self-confidence that I envy even more. I feel the need to do things and then never do it because I think people will laugh me (sounds childish, I know) but then I see these people do all that I want and I can not and I feel even worse.
These people will make, darken your day with your presence, make you feel, without them even unwittingly, a mediocrity, without the right to breathe without the right to be in the presence of other people. You resign yourself to being a zero when these people come and live believing that the solution is to avoid them. And I truly believe that is part of the solution ... when something hurts you, throw it away. Why would you suffer unnecessarily? Maybe I should deal with it but I know it is a struggle that I have lost.
It could be envy? always I recognize that I am a jealous person and that certainly is a disease which suffers a lot, especially because you will not be because you feel extremely cruel and unhappy. But no. I know that's not it.
Sometimes there is a moment in the timeline in which those people appear voided when you have marked but sometimes it just is. With little knowledge, potential until you fall rather than trying to do ... but do not try because you know it is bad for you and you rot inside.
do not know whether to be a freak for this, or if I'm not really the only person who feels this way, which is the Achilles heel of anyone who can not even imagine until point to someone harms their mere presence ...
The hardest thing is when people you care about to someone who you want. Having to fight with your mind, your feelings, your fears to do no harm to those who do not deserve and never want to hurt.
Anyway ... my mind and me. Or my fear and I ... a big kiss to everyone and sorry for the pain in the ass! read us!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Storing A Helmet On A Vespa
5 Steps to make smart choices
1 - Define what you want
First we must clarify what we want to do without this, your decision may be wrong
2 - Write
The information is worth more if you leave writing, but, ask a lawyer
3 - Combine Information
Intuition and Judgement Information is the raw material of any decision, and intuition and trial are a very good formula for making
4 - Get ready for action
To achieve anything you must drive, but is only in thoughts
5 - Remember that the worst decision is taken through the fear
Fear paralyzes us, like rabies are not recommended when making decisions
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Pregnancy Mucus What Does It Look Like
Hi, guys! S!!
I promised and here I am again ... after the holidays? The truth is I was hoping to finish this time, I never liked ... since I discovered the truth about Santa Claus and Three Kings have lost its meaning for me. I hate all that stuff of that these parties are q behave ... (I'm good all year!) and the solidarity that you suddenly feel the whole world ... are things that we should apply throughout the year and think about them constantly ( without bitter life, it is clear! all in perspective.)
I do not like family gatherings when there is nobody to collect and I do not like eating at a table surrounded by the silence uncomfortable ... I do not like New Year's Eve where everyone will spend weeks looking for a nice dress and hairstyle deciding and makeup ... the end of the night is ... in particular I became aware that another year ends tomorrow but should not be more than the day following 31 December ... it becomes a day where I realize how miserable my life, my little triumphs and defeats ... my many red numbers more year after year flood my current account and the number of trips that I could do, the many people who have stopped visiting or the time that I'm complaining because I'm on a couple of kilograms or did not find the boots I'm looking for .... the end of the day I've only lost one year time.
And will you forgive me this pessimism and earlier this year, hoping not to be contagious! So changing a bit of pace ... do you have brought the kings? the truth is that this year for one reason or another have been mine more escasitos especially those who have given me :(... there are many things I would have received and I did not but there are also things that did not expect and have filled me with joy at the mere sentimentality that comes over me every day of my life (By now, no school to tell you that is a blip, right? hahaha)
Well, in the first inning of the year I have little to teach you enough to tell although if you want to bore us so soon, for that and will have time, ahem so I leave a couple of purposes that I hope to this year ... probably will not, I will not convince himself that this year will be different, but I'm sure I'll try!
"This year I will spare no hugging and kissing. Spare no feelings ... at the end of the day is the only thing they do not charge!
"This year I'll smile more. At least that my wrinkles are for something!
"This year I will be honest with myself. Enough of trying to believe things no one else sees.
"This year I will try to study! For things that happen in life is something I have not done, let the Red Cross where she was studying for many years and never had the courage to return to school. But this year I try, I overcome my fears and make me the person I always wanted to be.
"This year I will be ashamed to be me.
"This year I will try to avoid impulse purchases! I hate to see the clothes in my closet unworn! I will buy most basic and those clothes "tanbonitasperoparanadacombinables" for another time ... I hope it never arrives!
"This year will trample the Bernabeu, see Cybele Debod temple (which is as close as it is in Egypt for now .. it seems to me ...) and Madrid will know a friend who long ago promised to go to visit (and it almost seems q d in Madrid rather live in Canada!)
"This year .... I'll stop making promises I can not play: (
As you can see a little bit of everything and I have not given any order ... I'll tell you they are true, wish me luck!
I've missed you! Many besin!