KEYS OF ENOCH - The Book of Knowledge:

The Keys of Enoch also serves as a wonderful reference book. It is especially good for those people who are attracted to the teachings of the Kabalah and Jewish mysticism, for it is written from the cosmic perspective. It is, however, universal in nature. The sixty-four keys were revealed to Enoch JJ Hurtak in-depth experience traveling outside the body or soul travel. Hurtak was sitting in his room in a state of prayer when the room was filled with Light and Ascended Master Enoch Ophanim appeared. Hurtak Enoch asked if he was ready to go to the premises of the Father, and he said it was. A large field of light surrounding his body, and immediately left on their bodies Atmic. was first taken by a region of stars called Merak and Musca and then to the halfway station Arcturus. It was after this that Hurtak had to change the body having Light for a dress, so high was the vibration. He was then guided to what was referred to as the seventh heaven. It was here that teachers saw the elohim. He was then taken through Oronis stellar field and through a field of Light called Mintaka, where he met with Archangel Metatron, the creator of the electronic exterior light in this physical universe. The light was of such high frequency that had been crushed Hurtak without the assistance of Metatron. Metatron Hurtak then led into the presence of Father Divine. This was done by traveling through the Omega Orion spiritual door, which served as a grand entrance into regions of pure energy. It was here that Hurtak said he saw the face of the Ancient of Days, Father Divine, face to face. He described his throne as a pyramid living Light. Father Divine had wavy white hair and his face was full of joy and love overwhelming. He referred to Father Divine as Lord, and His Hutak saw about twenty-four Elders of Light who were singing "Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Tsabayoth Adonay" (Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of the Heights). A's right hand, saw Jesus Christ. A Hurtak was told that their work was part of the work of Enoch. He was also told that it was time to outsource the hierarchy of the Father for His kingdom to come Earth as it is in Heaven.
Hurtak was then led to several other regions of the universe of God for instruction. While still on the throne, however, he saw a scroll that had rolled into a cylinder and was burning. From this roll a light is projected onto the third eye of Hurtak, containing sixty-four keys of Enoch, the basis for this book sublime. The purpose of the keys, in part, is to prepare Earth for the descent of the Melchizedek Brotherhood and the decline of one hundred and forty-four thousand ascended masters to help redeem the humble and the righteous on Earth. A Hurtak were shown how the seventy Sororities Light of internally serve as a field of intelligence for the correction of universes so that they can evolve in infinite wisdom and glory of the Eternal Mind of Yahweh (God). Each key is coded with five letters of fire for a new spectrum of light can be biochemically activated human sort the chemistry in the minds of so many dimensions involved in the reality of God. Upon receipt of this vision, Hurtak returned to the Earth plane to write the words and the information it received in The Book of Knowledge. The purpose of the sixty-four keys given by Enoch and Metatron to help coordinate the sixty four unique areas of scientific knowledge that are far advanced simultaneously. Hurtak said that the keys have been given to attend all the basic disciplines for avanti quantum leap in the new consciousness of Light. The key is to focus scientific research on the planet to the plane most of life.
Hurtak was also informed that to be able to work the keys, you have to be able to go to the fourth dimension. Here the intellect must bow to the spiritual mind. Enoch also said that the keys are not just for this planet but equally there have been in preparation for work on other planets. current keys were given by January 23, 1973, to prepare humanity for the activation of events that would take place in these thirty years until 2003. Hurtak were given to an out of body experience in higher spiritual planes that were not contaminated by the thought forms of human community falls. The keys were given in a special sequence that allows them to connect mathematically between each other to explain the interpretation of the universe and the spiritual understanding how it works through the keys. Enoch said that the first fifty-four keys are the foundation for the ten commandments. The ten remaining keys containing network system of life and provide for the resurrection and reorganization of the human group that will continue in the I Am Who I Am universal.
The purpose of this chapter is to give them a taste of this revelation of God to inspire them to buy or borrow the book and take what you work the way they are guided. It is very difficult to read, but do not let that stop them. As I said, by reading the introduction, the glossary and the sixty-four keys makes buying the book worthwhile, in my opinion. If you dare to read the book, pay attention and prior to reading it with your right brain, the intuitive, and will not be flooded.
I made a very interesting meditation with the keys of Enoch which I recommend. After putting in deep meditation, make a call to Helios, the Solar Logos, to anchor the sixty-four keys of Enoch in their consciences in all five sacred languages. All you have to do is ask and it shall be done at the subtle level of domestic policy. Then you read the key information in their subconscious minds will emerge.
Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonay Kodoish Tsabayoth
Written by Dr. Joshua D. Stone, "Hidden Mysteries." Cap.52, p.. 313.
Translation: Rosario Vega: Sharon
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