Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brasilian Wax Explanation

Neo-Shamanism - For Solar Suryavan - Condor White Mountains in Chile.
Neo Shamanism is the new trend, because shamanism is and has been the philosophy, therapy, medicine, science, culture and religion, world's oldest Neo Shamanism of the Tribe Condors have a few hundred thousand years old. Transcends the ages and eras. The Neo shamanism that I represent comes from an old Indian named Condor Blanco, whom I met and aired their lineage, in the fields and mountains of southern Chile, where I was born and raised. Much of the theoretical and practical lessons were transmitted to me by my grandmother healer who belonged to the same lineage, as my parents. According Cóndor Blanco Neo Shamanism are four basic things to grow in life and nothing more or less: Prosperity, Happiness, Wisdom and Freedom. Prosperity We know that health requires, talent, hard work, continued dedication and leadership of your life. We know that happiness requires good relationships and communicating with your partner, family, friends and business associates and staff with whom you work or study. We know that Wisdom requires culture, travel, arts practice and study, learn, grow and change. We know that Freedom to overcome it serves, donating the best of us, leaving a great legacy. Well, when we have worked hard, studied, planned, organized and work hard and honestly and still things are not working the right way, we need greater support from an instructor or guide, a Solkin, a Mentor, or a wise Shaman. But when we have worked hard to learn that we have value and deserve to be happy and free. It is therefore possible to help us with a powerful Abundance ceremony like this 1. Choose one of the aspects of life and get the seeds for what you want to plant: a. If Prosperity (release of poverty, attract health, labor, or material resources): get seeds or plants, preferably of smell (rue, sage, rosemary, mint, etc.) b. If Happiness (friends, family, friends, partners, contacts, happy family, harmony, happiness and emotional) get seeds or plants, flowers, especially rose, jasmine, gardenia, tulip ... c. If Wisdom and Culture (study, travel, learn, develop arts, teaching, being a good student, good leader, developer, speaker, therapist, facilitator, trainer, etc) then get seeds or seedlings of fruit trees. d. Lighting. Liberty or Independence: Freedom is achieved ciando have wings to fly to the sun is done with being faithful to the great principle: Mystical & Service Detachment material or emotional detachment, ending addictions or choking situations, donating time and resources to achieve donations, to be an excellent Volunteer nonprofit organization or create a foundation, or leave a Great Learning and Heritage, learn to meditate and develop yourself spiritually with a Guru, to reach the stars, and end the Wheel of Karma and reincarnation. Then my friend, I suggest you reconsider this. Because it is not easy in a world of consumption and impersonal as this does not encourage or facilitate spiritual development. To succeed as a mystic must be something really rebellious and stubborn. And if you're at your destination and it is your decision, make a responsible commitment to achieve in this life and I congratulate you. Help you enough to get past the 3 types of seeds or plants. In addition, a plant native tree. A true mystic must be total. Happy, happy, educated and free! Without fear of successful participation in society and celebrity, or without fear of being alone on a mountain fasting. 2. Formula: The seed or plant chosen. I recommend you start with humility ... for the first options Happiness and Prosperity and progress in each Moon to the next stage .. Having 12 to 13 moons per year. You have many years ahead. The seeds should be left in a cotton pad with water for 2 days. While the water is completely dry. This is done in the first three days of Crescent. If you bought a plant let a day with plenty of water under the Crescent Moon. 3. A planter. Buy or makes a pot and put fertile land. 4. Planting and Summon: On the third day of Crescent Moon put in the pot the plant or seed. When you do take it very carefully and with all cotton and raise him to the sun and make the Ancestral Invocation, I am sending you attached. Calling or Invoking the Universal Force and its protection, invoking light and to thy seed germination and ask what additional. 5. Prayer: Deposit your seed or plant on earth and prays cover: Light Seed, Sun Seed in the earth today To let you grow healthy and strong will grow as my Prosperity will grow as my Happiness, will grow as my wisdom will grow as my Freedom Triumph Seed This Covenant of love and mutual care Today we join ... Under the Moonlight and Sun 6. Aftercare: first for miracles to happen, is that you believe ... If you do not believe and only fear and distrust, it will not niente! Cree you can heal your life and you can do it! Believe you can be rich, happy, educated and free! And that is the water that you water your destination. So, watch your mind that doubts do not enter. Read positive books such as Handbook Ambitions, Manquelipe or Tigre Blanco, Solar Suryavan (a friend of mine) Ask a shaman ... Assists groups Improvement and Personal Development. Condor Takes Seminars White High Technology Transformation. 7. And the plant ?.... Take care, water them and love it. See how grows and grows and grows. And when it outgrows the pot, transplántala to land or a large pot. Throughout the process you must put your full attention and not let it dry. Attention is attention. Nothing more. Talk to him since he is the seed and tell your purpose and what it means to you. Send her away, you'll treat her with love and born in you ... that you asked. Reports. Any questions just ask the Coordinator / Instructor of White Condor nearest holiday ... if not ... Because there are countries where only works Tuesday through Thursday .. Friday is a bridge or a holiday, Saturday, too. Sunday and Monday, over the bridge .. How the heck are you complaining about? And how they progress? .. Bill Gates said recently. "Now I only work 16 hours a day, not like before and weekends only 8 ... and on Sundays and holidays, just work 6 hours .. Everyone should learn to work, no dramas, no apologies, no fatigue and no sleep on our laurels. Works without getting discouraged, not deviate without desenfocarte and without ever giving up .. Know who knew how to work one day rest really. Expand this Energy!! Can report this to who you want. Many will read this document several times a week and practice what I recommend. Other slower, smile with skepticism. In the background are afraid. O Karmas. Remember everyone wants free stuff to fix your life. And when it comes free undervalue. I bet that some students of Neo Cahamnismo not review this document again thinking it is the same as last month. But you, you're a very clever aperson, send this document and the accompanying photo, all your relatives and acquaintances. Perhaps some do not care but many of them will thank you soon. Events. Learn what the next event in Neo-Shamanic Cóndor Blanco in your country. Assists you will not regret .. Those who do comuníquenme results. It is true that is a chaotic event aseries but behind that ... comes an era of greater consciousness and freedom. Comes an era of greater awareness of Abundance, life in the former felons is and always will remain under the sun's rays See you in the eyes, soon. Write to whether these documents you arrived safely. Are free ... And If you want to come to my Mountain in January or February, our Neo Shamanic World Event, first read the book "Manquelipe" and "White Tiger" will come better prepared for real awakening. Love, d rom the Chilean Andes Mountains.
Mayela RUIZ MURILLO, Head of Cabinet Search


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