Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wedding Program Welcome Message

Agartha paraphrasing emeReme Rene GUENON Neo-Shamanism

Agartha: emeReme paraphrase Rene Guenon
Agartha, it is said, was not always underground and will not remain forever, there will come a time when, in the words given by M. Ossendowski, the 'Peoples of Agartha come out of their caves and appear on the surface of the earth. " Before his disappearance from the visible world, the center had another name, since Agartha, meaning "unreachable" and "inaccessible" (and "inviolable", it is the abode of Peace, Salem), would not have been the more convenient, M. Ossendowski states that went underground "for more than six thousand years" and it happens that this date corresponds with a very adequate approximation, at the beginning of Kali-Yuga, or "black period", the "iron age" of the former West, the last of the four periods in which the currency Manvantara, its recurrence must correspond to the same period.
We spoke earlier of the allusions made by all traditions to something that is lost or hidden, and that is represented in many symbols, that, when taken in its general sense, as regards the whole earthbound humanity, refers precisely to the terms of the Kali-Yuga.
The current period is a period of darkness and confusion, their conditions are such that, while they persist, the initiatory knowledge must necessarily be hidden, hence the status of "mysteries" of antiquity called "historical " (Not more than back to the beginning of this period) and the secret organizations of all peoples, organizations that give an effective initiation where still remains a truly traditional doctrine, but do not offer a shadow when the spirit the doctrine has continued to enliven the symbols are merely the external representation and that, because, for various reasons, every conscious loop with the spiritual center of the world has come to break, which is the particular sense loss of tradition, especially concerning this or that sub-center, no longer closely and effectively with the supreme center.
should therefore, as we said earlier, talk about something that is hidden rather than truly lost, as it is not hidden to all and some even have it fully, and, if so, others have always possible find, as they seek as desirable, ie, that his intention is directed in such a way that, for harmonic vibrations awakening as the 'law of actions and reactions agreeing', could effectively put them in spiritual communication with the supreme center .
This direction will have in addition to all traditional forms, its symbolic representation; want to talk about ritual orientation: this, in fact, is properly the direction toward a spiritual center, that whatever is a picture of the true "Center of the World."
But as you progress through the Kali-Yuga, the union with the center, increasingly closed and hidden, it becomes more difficult, while more rare are secondary schools that represent externally and yet, when done this time, the tradition will happen again in its entirety, since the beginning of each Manvantara, coinciding with the end of the preceding, necessarily, for mankind on earth, around the "status paramount. "
In Europe, all consciously link established with the center through regular organizations is broken now, and this is so for several centuries, well, this break was not done in one fell swoop, but in several successive stages .
The first of these steps back to the beginning of the fourteenth century, what we have said elsewhere on the Orders of Chivalry can understand that one of their main roles was to ensure communication between East and West , communication is possible to understand the full extent if you notice that the center of which we speak here has always been described, at least in regard to historical times, and next to the East.
However, after the destruction of the Knights Templar, Rosicrucianism, or what should be given this name by continuity, continued to ensure the same loop, but in a more disguised form. The Renaissance and the Reformation marked a critical new phase, and finally, by suggesting SAINT IVES, a complete break would have coincided with the treaties of Westphalia in 1648 ended the Thirty Years War.
However, it is noteworthy that several authors have argued precisely that, shortly after of the Thirty Years War, the true Rosicrucians have left Europe to retire to Asia, and remember, about this, that the Rosicrucian adepts were twelve, and members of the innermost circle of Agartha, and in accordance with the constitution common to many spiritual centers formed in the image of the supreme center.
From this last time, the cash deposit of initiatory knowledge is not saved by any organization Western SWEDENBORG also states that it is now among the scholars of Tibet and Tartary where to find the missing word , and on the other hand, Anna Caterina Emerich has the vision of a mysterious place called the "Mountain of the Prophets" and placing it in the same regions.
add that it was fragmentary information which could Mme. BLAVATSKY collect news on this issue, without understanding the other hand, truly the meaning, where it was born the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great White Lodge, which we could call and not an image, but simply a caricature or a parody imaginary Agartha . Peace Profound!.
Responsible Cabinet Search: Mayela


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