Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sailing Diagrams Teaching

Naive Heart

do not know to whom we have at our side, who really is our friend and who tells the truth even staring into his eyes. We do not know those around us and do not know because I do not want to know, we cats that frolic atop a skein naively thinking I'll never be the thread tail end. We live in a spiral of haste in which few pay enough attention to your surroundings, prefer to maintain the security that those people will always be there and make mistakes. The other day someone told me "trains that pass once in life." Then I whispered, in a humorous moment of excitement for myself, "You just so original encubrarte " but right after the person provided the less thoughtful comment: " Yes, look at me with that face, Trains that pass once in your life and you should not miss, then there are local trains, but these do not matter because they spend so many times, your trip is short and routine. " And that sentence, apparently accidental, made me conclude that life presents us with challenges and that many of They come disguised as a train. We all hope our own but we do not want to recognize it and, in more than one occasion, we do not realize that this train may be not on our side but right in front waiting to take it. Of course, it temporarily the ball of twine is not eternal.


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