MAYELARM_Tu question resolved Who are the children finally:
... Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Israel, Ishmael?. David, Solomon ... Joseph, Moses ...?
clarify that I understand as "creationism" God created the world in 6 days and 7 rested. Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel, Cain killed Abel, then we are children of a murderer. Time passes too much and it was all patasarriba and God chose Noah and his sons and wives to make the Ark and they alone were saved after the flood. So we are descendants of Noah (Shem and good and Can and the other children of these from the same Noah). Again everything is sooo evil and destroy Babel God sends ... Abraham then played with the slave and then Ishmael (the son of the black, hence Islam) and Sara Isaac (here called Israel Judaism and then Christianity).
are 12 tribes, including the child that Joseph goes to Egypt to enslave people to do the pyramids of Pharaoh and is collected by the Princess one Moses basket that will be walked through the desert for 40 years without seeing land promised. His successor down the walls of Jericho ... moreover, we can not forget that once again things did not go well and strikes Sodom and Gomorrah. In short, is a boy named David, who slays Goliath, who becomes King of a people ... having a bright child who builds a majestic temple which is only a wall where the Jews will make their prayers. That David is José-caste of kings, which binds Maria-caste of priests of the house of Judah, for the birth of Jesus, who over time and exist within Judaism (Old Testament) is to revolutionize the thing (Jesus) and sets after fariceos, Sadducees and other sects, a new and inhibit religion ... Saul, later called Paul, he mounted to Peter as the heir to the teachings, which past 100 years comes a pagan Roman king has things out of control and adopt Christianity as its official religion. choose Command of more than 150 written on their statements, only choose 4 and it appears that the New Testament along with the former is now called Bible ... and Catholic belief appears universal, apostolic, the 4 elected-and Roman-Vatican. is, first in Constantinople by Constantine and then to the Vatican at Rome. They are separated from the Orthodox bisantinos-by infighting on the virginity of Mary and other rolls such as the Trinity, then split Anglicans because Rome did not authorize the King's divorce, even the Protestant (Calvinist, Lutheran) and so is the thing to meet the not inconsiderable sum of 3,500 Christian sects among which we Adventists, Witnesses do not know what, kids ... etc.etc.etc and finally all believe they are sons of Adam. Certainly . The only certainty is that DNA and without vowels, is what we all have in common and share almost 100% with chimpanses and other homonymous. Ergo, we are ALL no matter the chosen people and all beliefs and dogmas imposed by a more clever. And that includes those who do know, those of Islam and Judaism itself-as well as those who do not know Melquised or Abraham ... or either: Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Shinto etcetcetc ... and like those who worship in Papua New Guinea and in the heart of the Amazon. Amen, because tod @ s are stardust, the same DNA that set all creation is manifested.
ANSWER: by Zerubbabel ... YR Member since: March 23, 2008
Best Answer - chosen by who asked
Best Answer - chosen by who asked
First the word "Day" using the Bible also does "time" and is used by God or the sacred author who writes what he dictates to represent 7 Great moments in Creation, comparing it with the 7 days a week, seven a symbolic number that expresses a complete process. Second Adam means "Humanity" in Hebrew, representing the whole of humanity. This was Cain (not sick humanity made in his image), Abel (died) and Seth. Descended from Seth (begotten in his image and likeness of God ie, represents humanity good sound). Third From Adam to Noah, there are 10 generations from Noah's son Shem to Abraham, there are 10 generations. Fourth From Adam to Shem, 11 generations of Arphaxad (Babylon) to Jacob, 11 generations, Judah, son of Jacob, King David, 11 generations, with both on 10 as 11 as a symbolic number Hebrew Kabbalah symbolizes the fullness generations, as in the creation in 7 days. It means that generations had passed through, as well as the various stages of creation that had to happen. Fifth Noah's grandchildren are the various nations, only translation that often leave them on that list, but then when he says that living in Egypt, for example if you translate.
Thus, a grandson of Noah was called Mizraim (Egypt), another Put (Libya), another Javan (Greece), another Gomer (Celtic), another Canaan (Phoenician, Canaanite, or Carthaginian, the same whose name was changing time by time. dates of the Bible are symbolic: 40 days on Mount Sinai, 40 days of the flood, 40 days Jesus in the desert. Means that those who had passed through. Sixth The exodus did happen and they have found remains of a great migration (the Hyksos, just does not add the date to which the Bible apparently. Seventh: The 10 plagues occurred and are explained, some 4 or 5, even, but all have an explanation, because God, the first day created light, ie the spiritual world, the beings of light, which ensure that the laws of nature are met .. . and God will not pop up for his people be expelled from Egypt. What happened was that there was a series of plagues, which led the Israelites were expelled, and this fact was regarded as being made by God in his favor, for it is said that some pests affecting the Israelites, and even that God hardened Pharaoh's heart, because that's what really happened, and then was related by God. That is proof that these plagues were not invented, but it really happened.
All the characters on your list samples representing tribes, clans or nations, not real people. Thus, the covenant of Abraham with Melchizedek represents covenants made by Israel with Philistines that were never Israel killed a thousand years from Abraham. The sacrifice of Isaac is the time when the Israelites came to the conclusion that God could not want the sacrifices of the Canaanites but asked them to test them.
all my life I've been researching the subject, as a descendant I am today, me and half the planet at least, all those characters who star as told in the Bible, as Israel came to Spain in year 70 the Romans spread them throughout Europe, and Ismailis in 711. C ny good manual on the subject you clarify, the Bible itself in his comments, any cure the world that has been studied in the seminar can tell you, is your work and likes to show interest.

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